Our Testimony/Normal Christianity


New member
It might help you understand normal Christianity better if I give you a little of our testimony. I became a believer in '77 and my wife 3 years previously. We "discovered" that Jesus is just who He says He is and still doing all the same things He did in His earthly ministry: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." We also learned He wanted things done His way, according to what His word says, not "I think" or what religion told us. For instance we saw the promise in Acts 16:31, and by faith (Hebrews 11:1) our parents, brothers and sisters all received Jesus. It was interesting because my wife's family were quite Catholic. They are not anymore.

I had the privilege of leading my father to the Lord. Jesus healed him of high blood pressure (he had been on medication for 30 years) and diabetes. I had been an alcoholic since high school but Jesus set me totally free shortly after I was born from above.

The keys to Jesus' kingdom and all Jesus purchased in His atonement we found out were just what Peter preached in Acts 2:37-39. "...Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Two things we decided to do His way. We were clueless about the Holy Spirit but saw it in Mark 16:17 "And these signs will follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;...". We "believed" and man's views weren't working so it happened a lot like in Acts 19:1-6. We also found out that He really is a jealous God and will not share His glory with another. As we saw Him faithful we decided to trust Him alone for His promises.

My attitude was (and still is) either Jesus does today what He promises and did 2000 years ago if we meet the conditions (and His grace enables us) or we need another god. So I canceled our health insurance, paid off all debt including our mortgage and Jesus became our family physician and "banker". Five of our 7 children were born at home by the power of Jesus plus 10 grand children. One daughter was still born with the cord wrapped around her neck, a dark purple and not breathing. I called out to Jesus and He raised her up. Jesus has healed all of us many times: asthma, broken bones, hemorrhage, appendicitis, and more without any use of shots, drugs or the medical system for over 30 years. Most of these were healings we were required to believe Jesus' word and battle the devil for over a period of time. Instantaneous miracles are great, but do not produce Hebrews 11 faith.

We have had the privilege to pray for many others and see them healed by Jesus' power; two people of terminal cancer (their doctors were amazed). We have friends that see all of Matthew 10:7-8 quite often including our oldest son's father-in-law who ministers to the Indians in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. People need a Jesus that works in their situation, not after they are dead!

This is NORMAL Christianity not some "special" grace. Many think we are insane, but my attitude is we are not out of our minds, just out of theirs. Believers have been robbed of so much by religion, opinion, doubt and unbelief that Kingdom living is nearly an unknown thing and "churchianity" substituted for it. After all Jesus mentioned the Kingdom Of Heaven (God) over 100 times in the gospels and the church twice.

Our hearts are to do all we can to have Jesus receive all the love, faith and obedience from Christians that He died to make possible.


Nice testimony, however I do not think you give yourself enough credit.

If believing has helped you and given you the strength to overcome and take control of your self destructive impulses, that is fantastic. Tell me more about your father. Did he change his diet? Started to exercise? Or are you claiming he woke up one day cured of all these ailments?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
It might help you understand normal Christianity better if I give you a little of our testimony. I became a believer in '77 and my wife 3 years previously. We "discovered" that Jesus is just who He says He is and still doing all the same things He did in His earthly ministry: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." We also learned He wanted things done His way, according to what His word says, not "I think" or what religion told us. For instance we saw the promise in Acts 16:31, and by faith (Hebrews 11:1) our parents, brothers and sisters all received Jesus. It was interesting because my wife's family were quite Catholic. They are not anymore.

I had the privilege of leading my father to the Lord. Jesus healed him of high blood pressure (he had been on medication for 30 years) and diabetes. I had been an alcoholic since high school but Jesus set me totally free shortly after I was born from above.

The keys to Jesus' kingdom and all Jesus purchased in His atonement we found out were just what Peter preached in Acts 2:37-39. "...Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Two things we decided to do His way. We were clueless about the Holy Spirit but saw it in Mark 16:17 "And these signs will follow those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;...". We "believed" and man's views weren't working so it happened a lot like in Acts 19:1-6. We also found out that He really is a jealous God and will not share His glory with another. As we saw Him faithful we decided to trust Him alone for His promises.

My attitude was (and still is) either Jesus does today what He promises and did 2000 years ago if we meet the conditions (and His grace enables us) or we need another god. So I canceled our health insurance, paid off all debt including our mortgage and Jesus became our family physician and "banker". Five of our 7 children were born at home by the power of Jesus plus 10 grand children. One daughter was still born with the cord wrapped around her neck, a dark purple and not breathing. I called out to Jesus and He raised her up. Jesus has healed all of us many times: asthma, broken bones, hemorrhage, appendicitis, and more without any use of shots, drugs or the medical system for over 30 years. Most of these were healings we were required to believe Jesus' word and battle the devil for over a period of time. Instantaneous miracles are great, but do not produce Hebrews 11 faith.

We have had the privilege to pray for many others and see them healed by Jesus' power; two people of terminal cancer (their doctors were amazed). We have friends that see all of Matthew 10:7-8 quite often including our oldest son's father-in-law who ministers to the Indians in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. People need a Jesus that works in their situation, not after they are dead!

This is NORMAL Christianity not some "special" grace. Many think we are insane, but my attitude is we are not out of our minds, just out of theirs. Believers have been robbed of so much by religion, opinion, doubt and unbelief that Kingdom living is nearly an unknown thing and "churchianity" substituted for it. After all Jesus mentioned the Kingdom Of Heaven (God) over 100 times in the gospels and the church twice.

Our hearts are to do all we can to have Jesus receive all the love, faith and obedience from Christians that He died to make possible.

Welcome, help us to lift up Jesus


New member
Ex 15:26 And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
Ps 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Ps 147:3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
I will caution you on one thing, if you are pushing for people to drop all their prescriptions, you are in for a bruising on this board. Get your hard hat on.


New member
Nice testimony, however I do not think you give yourself enough credit.

If believing has helped you and given you the strength to overcome and take control of your self destructive impulses, that is fantastic. Tell me more about your father. Did he change his diet? Started to exercise? Or are you claiming he woke up one day cured of all these ailments?

None of those things. Jesus healed him period.
No, Jesus set me free from the demon of alcoholism. "Self" had lots of reasons why it was OK, in "moderation" of course. The desire and "need" left with that demon. Deliverance from nicotine was the same.


New member
I will caution you on one thing, if you are pushing for people to drop all their prescriptions, you are in for a bruising on this board. Get your hard hat on.

No, people will ALWAYS go the the Physician they live closest to. I want people to know the Jesus of the Bible who provides healing every time with no exceptions, minimal conditions, and those are easily met by grace through faith. We live what I am telling people and have for 34 years.
Thank you for your advice. This is not my first "rodeo".

I aint no monkey

New member
I enjoyed the OP, thanks for posting. However it was too long so I had to skim over some of it. Try to get your posts down to three paragraphs. Thanks and God bless.