Other Ways the NT is blocked here


Well-known member
While there are belief systems like 2P2P which treat the OT as though the NT never existed nor quoted it, another way of blocking the NT is simply to read what some Jewish people say/write about the NT. For ex., one here at TOL, calls most of the NT use of the Tanach "abuse."

Still another way is what some of the 2P2P guys have been doing with the new covenant passage of Hebrews. It is January, and I have asked for explanations of the New Covenant at the last supper, I Cor 10 (on the same topic) and 2 Cor 3-5, for about 3 months, only to be responded to with a sort of 'gotcha' mindset because of one passage in Hebrews 8. That's another way of not using the whole NT.


Well-known member
Even when you make sense, you don't actually listen to anything we say because your narrow mind is already made up. But when you post convoluted nonsense, it just makes you look even more like you don't know what you're talking about.

You can always 'win' on generalizations. What SPECIFICALLY are you talking about?


Well-known member
the thread I just started on the 1000 years of the locusts totally heard STP and totally speaks to it. His theory is folly.


Well-known member
Because he cannot find the answer in any of the 387 dusty books of men in his "liberry"?

[Obviously my last quote above was missing the word 'not' but you seemed to have grasped that]

Your whole scheme only trivializes what happened to Israel from 72 to about 1900, but go ahead and make fools of yourselves. It drives Jews further away from Christian teaching because it is completely unchristian and irrational. Believe anything but Lk 21 or I Thess 1.

The promise of Christ as explained in Gal 3:8 is not pseudo, but 2P2P is a fraud.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is what I would tell a Jew:

1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV)
Rom 1:16 (KJV)

What would you tell a Jew?

He would say, "Well, uh, urr, the NT began at Matthew 1, you see,and the OC began at Genesis 1, uh, urr, well, as that is what Dr. Dusty Books told me, along with Professor Demas, and I believe them, and I'll be just fine."

