Openly Practicing Gluttons


Well-known member
I have heard of Catholic priests denying communion to people who openly practice sinful lifestyles that contradict Church teaching.

A "married" gay man is considered to be not in communion with the Church.
I assume an unrepentant thief who continues to mug people would be denied communion.
A man who continues to cheat on his wife, and the affair is known to the Church, would be denied communion, right?

What about gluttony?

There are, in most cases, very visible signs when someone makes a life-long habit of overeating. Would this person not be "openly practicing" a sinful lifestyle of gluttony?

Was anyone ever denied communion for this reason?
Should anyone be denied for this reason?

The same questions could pertain to any of the sacraments... holy orders, confirmation, marriage?

patrick jane

I have heard of Catholic priests denying communion to people who openly practice sinful lifestyles that contradict Church teaching.

A "married" gay man is considered to be not in communion with the Church.
I assume an unrepentant thief who continues to mug people would be denied communion.
A man who continues to cheat on his wife, and the affair is known to the Church, would be denied communion, right?

What about gluttony?

There are, in most cases, very visible signs when someone makes a life-long habit of overeating. Would this person not be "openly practicing" a sinful lifestyle of gluttony?

Was anyone ever denied communion for this reason?
Should anyone be denied for this reason?

The same questions could pertain to any of the sacraments... holy orders, confirmation, marriage?

gluttony can include billions of things other than food. some folks may be obese or overweight but eat normal portions and aren't gluttonous.
appearance means nothing and communion should never be refused anyone for any reason. that is judement and the Bible speaks just as harshly towards that. rumor and innuendo destroys people and churches, people think they know and are not always correct -


New member
Well... the purpose of the sacrament is to communicate grace to sinners. Unless this openly visible gluttonous behavior amounted to mortal sin, which is hard to imagine, one would hope that the glutton in question would obtain help from the sacrament in learning the dignity and moderation that we have been called unto.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My sins were washed with the blood of Christ, yet I must have an inclination for sin in the flesh, a temporal condition, not interfering with my salvation, yet there for me to know I am flesh and do sin.

I must be a glutton, even though I usually have two yogurts in the morning, and one sandwich, along with a regular dinner at night.

The problem is I am a juicer and coke addict. I dink way too much apple juice every day; often I drink cranberry juice and grape juice, I love white grape juice!

As yo cokes, I drink Pepsi. coca cola, Dr. Pepper, and with cherry, at times, in excess. I get bored and frink cokes!

When I get weighed at the doctors, I am always very embarrassed, like 50 pounds overweight. I mean this is how I see it since I was less than 120 in grad, school, to I was in my 50s and yes, if you know arithmetic, you can see my shame! Well some have said I have body dismorphic disorder and some suggest I was a borderline anorexic most of my younger life; however, I see being weighed as a terrible thing to have happen in public.

I wish i could get off cokes, and curb juice, and I wish I was not always too fatigue to have a slow metabolism.

I would like to eat cakes, but I do draw the line there, no cake, or doughnuts, no chocolate or candy, actually I dislike most sweets/ I also do not like coffee, or tea much, so there is little to drink other than coke and juice.

I have it so bad I must have a coke now, I cannot help it!

patrick jane

My sins were washed with the blood of Christ, yet I must have an inclination for sin in the flesh, a temporal condition, not interfering with my salvation, yet there for me to know I am flesh and do sin.

I must be a glutton, even though I usually have two yogurts in the morning, and one sandwich, along with a regular dinner at night.

The problem is I am a juicer and coke addict. I dink way too much apple juice every day; often I drink cranberry juice and grape juice, I love white grape juice!

As yo cokes, I drink Pepsi. coca cola, Dr. Pepper, and with cherry, at times, in excess. I get bored and frink cokes!

When I get weighed at the doctors, I am always very embarrassed, like 50 pounds overweight. I mean this is how I see it since I was less than 120 in grad, school, to I was in my 50s and yes, if you know arithmetic, you can see my shame! Well some have said I have body dismorphic disorder and some suggest I was a borderline anorexic most of my younger life; however, I see being weighed as a terrible thing to have happen in public.

I wish i could get off cokes, and curb juice, and I wish I was not always too fatigue to have a slow metabolism.

I would like to eat cakes, but I do draw the line there, no cake, or doughnuts, no chocolate or candy, actually I dislike most sweets/ I also do not like coffee, or tea much, so there is little to drink other than coke and juice.

I have it so bad I must have a coke now, I cannot help it!

i go through periods where i drink 6 sodas a day. coke is my fav, but any soda is good to me. as a kid we always had soda with dinner and lunch so, tradition. i love ice water, but i need a beverage with some bite to wash my food down. not beer either but soda/ Barq's has bite !


New member
Like The Three Stooges used to spray on people? I like cokes, and Pepsi is my favorite.

Say five hail mary's, drink two bloody marys, one coke, and half a glass of white grape juice, and call it a day, lol

But seriously, these issues are sovable, so take heart.



Well-known member
I have heard of Catholic priests denying communion to people who openly practice sinful lifestyles that contradict Church teaching.

A "married" gay man is considered to be not in communion with the Church.
I assume an unrepentant thief who continues to mug people would be denied communion.
A man who continues to cheat on his wife, and the affair is known to the Church, would be denied communion, right?

What about gluttony?

There are, in most cases, very visible signs when someone makes a life-long habit of overeating. Would this person not be "openly practicing" a sinful lifestyle of gluttony?

Was anyone ever denied communion for this reason?
Should anyone be denied for this reason?

The same questions could pertain to any of the sacraments... holy orders, confirmation, marriage?

Define gluttony. Not so easy....

Theft, adultery, homosexuality...all very easy to define with clear behaviors. But the glutton (talking food here...)? One may argue that sex is acceptable within the marriage bed (as defined by God between a man and a woman who have covenanted in marriage) - thus creating the idea of context for these behaviors. But you can't even get that far with food consumption.

Do you call the athlete who consumes many thousands of calories a day but burns it up doing intense workouts etc... a glutton? Do you call the person with a low metabolism a glutton if they gain weight just looking at sugary foods? The point is that there is no clear standard of gluttony. Obesity can be present in all sorts of situations where gluttony is not an issue.

I'm not Roman Catholic, but as I read scripture it seems pretty clear to my understanding that what is in view here is appetites. The man that can deny himself something as simple as food has control over his desires - not they over him. Think of the way Jesus spoke of adultery - going beyond even the mere act to the heart - and it should start to become obvious that one's desires are at the root of all of this. James said that covetousness was idolatry - effectively making the one coveting (lusting after something someone else has) guilty of the whole law. All these desires (for things, sex, food, power, money, position etc...) are at the root of the "seven deadly sins". And the one that has the Holy Spirit and bears that fruit can show his "self control" (Galatians 5:23). But again, focusing on that one thing is missing the bigger picture. The root of sin is self. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked and who can know it? God will judge all idolaters - including those who idolize food. But we are not able to do that with others, just like we can only tell (usually) when we are guilty of lust of the heart.

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

I apologize for such a quick, scattershot response - hopefully my point is at least vaguely clear.

Bradley D

Well-known member
God knows who is giving and taking the communion. Whether given by an unrepentant sinner or taken by one. God knows. God will judge, not me.


Well-known member
I have heard of Catholic priests denying communion to people who openly practice sinful lifestyles that contradict Church teaching.

A "married" gay man is considered to be not in communion with the Church.
I assume an unrepentant thief who continues to mug people would be denied communion.
A man who continues to cheat on his wife, and the affair is known to the Church, would be denied communion, right?

What about gluttony?

There are, in most cases, very visible signs when someone makes a life-long habit of overeating. Would this person not be "openly practicing" a sinful lifestyle of gluttony?

Was anyone ever denied communion for this reason?
Should anyone be denied for this reason?

The same questions could pertain to any of the sacraments... holy orders, confirmation, marriage?
The problem with this kind of nonsense is that no priest, nor anyone else, can tell if someone is feigning repentance or not. And when someone is truly repentant, he is to be forgiven no matter how many times he sins.

So from my perspective, the real sin is the phony judgment of the priest, or the other church-goers, who think they know what's in another "sinner's" heart, and can therefor deny them the ritual act of communion with God, through Christ.


Well-known member
I've never fully understood gluttony.

I mean, in the olden days, if a man knew he was going to have a lean winter, is it okay to pack on 20 pounds of fat in the summer that will help keep him alive during the winter?

I know. I think it has to do with making food an idol. Set your affections on things above....

patrick jane

food is a tough one because we all get hungry - 1 to 5 times a day. we can survive on much less but it wouldn't be healthy. i eat fast so i don't feel full until i've eaten at least a pound of foodstuff -

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
food is a tough one because we all get hungry - 1 to 5 times a day. we can survive on much less but it wouldn't be healthy. i eat fast so i don't feel full until i've eaten at least a pound of foodstuff -

I consciously try to chew slow, one bite at a time, but sometimes it just goes out the window and becomes a throw down. :chew: