Only subscribers can SHOUT!!!

Nathon Detroit

OK, I guess I will look like a big ol' jerk I have had to make the SHOUT BOX subscriber (or higher) ONLY!

I was forced into this action by those who wish to harm TOL.

Sorry but it was necessary.

Not to mention it adds one more reason to subscribe.


New member

I understand that you had to do what you did with the shout box. I don't like it, but you had to.

I may or may not become a subscriber once we switch to DSL. I'll have more time online then. If I become a subscriber, Knight, I have a few questions I'll pm you about.


New member
I want to see if I can do this.

Stupid Hackers!


New member
Originally posted by Knight
I do feel bad for those who can't subscribe but there really isn't much choice at this point.
I understand that. In order for you, the administrator, to keep TOL and the TOL participants happy, you gotta protect what belongs to you as well as us.

The reason I don't subscribe now, is I feel I'm not online long enough. I do go to different forums and don't want to give any of them up. If fact, I'd like to possibly add one more, but feel I don';t have the time online. I spend most of my time here, though.

brother Willi

New member
Your reasons are sound, logical, and completely understandable.

Have no fear, I,m sure we all understand it was not an action you wanted to take, you must protect TOL


No, actually Knight was behind the whole thing just to boost subscriptions.

[He has a mortgage payment just like the rest of us]