It's realism. There's no point in serving naive ideals
Agreed in principle and disagreed that this idea is naive. What's naive is to think we can keep whistling past the graveyard when it comes to nuclear weapons, climate change, and a potential looming bolide impact. Climate change is already happening, we're way closer all of a sudden to nuclear conflict in the past three weeks, and nobody knows if we'll ever be hit by a comet or asteroid. A global United States (or some other constitution) can deal with or prevent altogether these things.
where fruition could never come about
Disagreed. I see no reason why it couldn't.
and on one side note it couldn't be called the "United States Constitution" for obvious reasons.
It absolutely could [continue to] be called that, if the United States Constitution is the one world order's written constitution. It doesn't have to be. Nobody's given another suggestion is all. Idea is either expand an already existing constitution or make a new one, either way one constitution, one (federal) regime, for the one world order, that we need in order to address nuclear weapons, climate change, and any potential devastating bolide impacts.
(Those things
can hit anywhere, with one world government we'd have jurisdiction over wherever any "big one" hits and be able to hopefully move everyone to safety ahead of time or much more sadly deal with the disaster after the fact.)
You talk about 'starting slow' yet recognize the obvious threat of nuclear war - as we have done for decades and we already have a treaty of countries that are united in avoiding it as it is.
Correct, except it's just half the world. And it's not the half with ALL the nukes (we would have to have by now already included Russia and China and Pakistan and India in NATO in order to have 'prima facie' preemptively diffused the nuclear threat with this 'loose confederation' proposed solution). So what are we going to do about getting these nuclear powers into NATO with the rest of us? We need a plan for this as much as I need a plan for making one world Union, so we're both 'at square one'.
That in itself isn't going to neutralize the likes of countries like Russia who have massive nuclear arsenals at their disposal and wouldn't hesitate to use them if any military threat were enacted to try and annex them.
Russia joining NATO would definitely be a more promising situation than we're at right now. There certainly wouldn't be the urgency if Russia was 'playing nice' by now. If Russia were in NATO I wouldn't have posted this OP.
I'm not thinking invade or annex Russia by force. I'm thinking if it comes to it that we pressure them with sanctions, but this is way down the line, after we've already replaced NATO with a strong federation instead of the weak confederation that it (and that the EU also) is.
It can't be done. Else, you reasonably set out how it's possible to try and do so by all means. I mean, realistically.
'Starting slow.' We're never going to hit a target we don't aim at. And that's assuming we have any accuracy at all, which we don't know because we've never tried.
Since the atomic age and accelerated by H-bomb tech, we have as a species worked to prevent nuclear warfare. In 2022 we have nuclear powers in NATO, and nuclear powers outside NATO. Between these two groups we could make craters out of every major city in the world, and in 2022 there is no existing democratic or any other sort of political ideological way to control all the nukes. A suicidal mass murderer can get his hands on one, or more. We don't have a single solution to this existing problem. NATO being a partial solution is no solution, and these types of partial solutions pose a risk of a 'false sense of security', when the situation is actually very serious and urgent but we all feel like let's take our time.
Time's up. We need to fix this. Nukes are desperate Ukraine is desperate times and we know that calls for desperate measures. At least a little more urgency is what I want to see. Loose confederations are never going to work anyway, but especially when the loose confederation isn't even inclusive right now of all the nuclear powers in the world.