One R candidate is off the list (for many Conservatives)


New member
Rand Paul said something about how it is the fault of the hawks in the R party that we have this mess overseas!

He apparently thinks it is their fault that ISIS came into existence!

So, obviously, Mr Paul would not send troops overseas to destroy the work of the satanic Neanderthals.

So... the process of elimination begins

Pataki, on the other hand, says that he would send troops if that were necessary (and I say it is). Thank God Pataki seems honest. He could have waxed political on us and not mentioned that issue, so as to get more votes.. But maybe some candidates have integrity after all (I mean, you know, besides Cruz... and etc..)



New member
Rand Paul said something about how it is the fault of the hawks in the R party that we have this mess overseas!

He apparently thinks it is their fault that ISIS came into existence!

So, obviously, Mr Paul would not send troops overseas to destroy the work of the satanic Neanderthals.

So... the process of elimination begins

Pataki, on the other hand, says that he would send troops if that were necessary (and I say it is). Thank God Pataki seems honest. He could have waxed political on us and not mentioned that issue, so as to get more votes.. But maybe some candidates have integrity after all (I mean, you know, besides Cruz... and etc..)


So Rand is eliminated because he doesn't want to send our kids over there to die?


New member
But the Republican hawks are at least partly to blame for the existence of Daesh. I say partly only because I'm not entirely sure who all agreed with the Bush plan of removing every single Baath party member from their jobs, no matter how low level, etc.


New member
But the Republican hawks are at least partly to blame for the existence of Daesh. I say partly only because I'm not entirely sure who all agreed with the Bush plan of removing every single Baath party member from their jobs, no matter how low level, etc.

I get the feeling u are essentially swatting at gnats and swallowing camels


New member
So, you'd rather ignore the fact that Bush removed every single Baath party member, and when they couldn't get any jobs, they joined Daesh as a way to feed and shelter their families? You have no idea do you? Do some research. LEARN THINGS.


New member
Pres O took our troops out of Iraq just b/c he wanted to end the war and be seen as Mr. Peacelover or more likely, Mr Leftie appeaser.. (Wait... Why did I put that "or" in there? It should be AND)

so anyway.. since we didn't leave any US forces over there, the Neanderthals were emboldened.. and we have ISIS
