One person's opinion on Trump


Well-known member
Dead wrong on his traditional lift from 2 Chr but some good points. I suspect he'll be proven correct.
"The results of the U.S. presidential election were surprising, and it was satisfying to see the Clintons go down in defeat after their attempt to thumb their noses at the nation's laws, but nothing of substance has changed. An immoral man lacking in true wisdom will occupy the White House, and his strange character will not change when he takes the oath of office. While he and the Republican majority might tinker with a few things that will be viewed as improvements over the last administration and might appoint a better man to the Supreme Court, nothing of great substance will be done. Anti-constitutionalism will still be taught in the law schools. The government will not shrink. The deficit spending that is bankrupting the nation will not stop. Onerous government regulations will not be rolled back. The homosexual agenda will continue its breathtaking progress. The foolish addiction to alcohol and drugs will continue to spread, as evidenced by the legalization of marijuana in yet another state. The Muslim goal of establishing sharia law will not be stopped and probably not even hindered. The public school system will remain a vast humanistic indoctrination program. The murder of unborn children will continue apace. The rampant wickedness and idolatry that permeates every level of American society will remain a stench in God's nostrils. The only way that substantive change could possibly come would be if the Bible-believing churches really moved into "praying ground" and committed themselves to serious intercession for the soul of the nation. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).
David Cloud,

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yep, he is wrong. Donald Trump is immoral. Donald Trump does not say immorality is ok or a choice.


Dead wrong on his traditional lift from 2 Chr but some good points. I suspect he'll be proven correct.David Cloud,

Thanks for posting the article musterion. The next time Trump lemmings attack me for exposing the truth about Donald Trump, I'll be sure to post this article, of course giving you credit for posting it.

Regarding the churches and "praying ground" : It would be nice if the people who occupy the pews of the various Christian dominations in America actually study on up the candidates prior to the election (during the primaries) and nominate God-fearing candidates who can help lead this nation from the morally depraved nation that it has become.

Can I count on you, patrick jane, ok doser, Crucible, Grosnick Marowbe, Tambora, Nick M. and all of the other Trump supporters here on TOL to join me during the next election to do so?

I didn't think so.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting the article musterion. The next time Trump lemmings attack me for exposing the truth about Donald Trump, I'll be sure to post this article, of course giving you credit for posting it.

Regarding the churches and "praying ground" : It would be nice if the people who occupy the pews of the various Christian dominations in America actually study on up the candidates prior to the election (during the primaries) and nominate God-fearing candidates who can help lead this nation from the morally depraved nation that it has become.

Can I count on you, patrick jane, ok doser, Crucible, Grosnick Marowbe, Tambora, Nick M. and all of the other Trump supporters here on TOL to join me during the next election to do so?

I didn't think so.

Your words are meaningless. You are on record as wanting Clinton to win so shut up, you stupid moby.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Dead wrong on his traditional lift from 2 Chr but some good points. I suspect he'll be proven correct.David Cloud,

i disagree with his assessment of muslims and sharia law - i think trump will have to be proactive on this if he wants a second term - it was one of the most important issues to his supporters


Well-known member
i disagree with his assessment of muslims and sharia law - i think trump will have to be proactive on this if he wants a second term - it was one of the most important issues to his supporters

If he tackles it he'd best not be wearing kid gloves. He'd best call it what it is. All or nothing.


Your words are meaningless. You are on record as wanting Clinton to win so shut up, you stupid moby.

(Such an angry lad, debate never was the Wiz's forte').

It's funny how just 3 days after the election you're already posting apology articles for helping Donald Trump get elected.

Now if you want to make this personal musterion, I can post who is on "record" for promoting immoral behavior or for that matter Godless Libertarian so-called "leaders".


Well-known member
(Such an angry lad, debate never was the Wiz's forte').

It's funny how just 3 days after the election you're already posting apology articles for helping Donald Trump get elected.

Now if you want to make this personal musterion, I can post who is on "record" for promoting immoral behavior or for that matter Godless Libertarian so-called "leaders".

Your words are meaningless. You are on record as wanting Clinton to win so shut up, you stupid moby.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Such an angry lad, debate never was the Wiz's forte').

It's funny how just 3 days after the election you're already posting apology articles for helping Donald Trump get elected.

Now if you want to make this personal musterion, I can post who is on "record" for promoting immoral behavior or for that matter Godless Libertarian so-called "leaders".

i think kat put it well yesterday:

Hush moron. You are as tired as a scratched wax record!



i disagree with his assessment of muslims and sharia law - i think trump will have to be proactive on this if he wants a second term - it was one of the most important issues to his supporters

What a coincidence that you should talk about Donald Trump's Muslim immigration policy, cuz I was just getting ready to post yet another flip flop on Trump's part in my widely read 4 part thread:

Does Trump still plan on banning Muslims from entering the U.S.?

A spokesman for Donald Trump insists he doesn't want to ban "all" Muslims from entering the United States despite the fact that his*own campaign*website still calls for*"a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”
"We never said 'all' Muslims," Trump's spokesman Steven Cheung emailed USA TODAY Thursday night.
The president-elect's*Muslim ban was brought back into the spotlight*after the December statement disappeared off his website and then reappeared Thursday afternoon.
Trump's stance on Muslim immigration has been unclear in recent months after Vice President-elect Mike Pence told CNN in October that he was no longer calling for a ban on Muslims.

Read more:

When I looked up the word "total"...