One of the Democrats' most Disgusting Displays

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The way the Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address for great things like was the most disgusting pathetic display I have ever seen. The party of Truman and Kennedy died long ago, and what remains is a socialist hate-filled freak-show. Who agrees?

Dems ‘sit on their hands’ as Trump touts economic gains, vets in State of the Union
Full story with video:

"Democrats on Tuesday night took their 'resistance' to President Trump to new lengths, with some refusing to even applaud or stand during his State of the Union address to acknowledge economic gains or an honoring of veterans.
This included during Trump's reference to record-low African-American unemployment and a promise to fix the country’s crippled infrastructure.

"It was amazing to watch," Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News' Sean Hannity after the speech, saying it looked like Democrats wanted to stand but felt obligated to oppose his father.

Several pundits pointed out the striking response on Twitter, noting these are the kind of non-controversial items that usually merit applause

"......Several members during the address chose not to stand when Trump honored Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and praised his resolve for returning to work less than four months after he “took a bullet” from a gunman and "almost died.”

And they chose not join in the applause for a 12-year-old boy in the gallery whom Trump praised for putting flags on soldiers’ graves on Veterans Day
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The Barbarian

Trump, noting the way it's done in North Korea, says that it's "treason" to not applaud him.

Is anyone surprised?

No, not even his supporters. Maybe especially his supporters.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The way the Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address for great things like was the most disgusting pathetic display I have ever seen. The party of Truman and Kennedy dies long ago, and what remains is a socialist hate-filled freak-show. Who agrees?

Dems ‘sit on their hands’ as Trump touts economic gains, vets in State of the Union
Full story with video:

"Democrats on Tuesday night took their 'resistance' to President Trump to new lengths, with some refusing to even applaud or stand during his State of the Union address to acknowledge economic gains or an honoring of veterans.
This included during Trump's reference to record-low African-American unemployment and a promise to fix the country’s crippled infrastructure.

"It was amazing to watch," Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News' Sean Hannity after the speech, saying it looked like Democrats wanted to stand but felt obligated to oppose his father.

Several pundits pointed out the striking response on Twitter, noting these are the kind of non-controversial items that usually merit applause

"......Several members during the address chose not to stand when Trump honored Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and praised his resolve for returning to work less than four months after he “took a bullet” from a gunman and "almost died.”

And they chose not join in the applause for a 12-year-old boy in the gallery whom Trump praised for putting flags on soldiers’ graves on Veterans Day
They acted like spoiled hateful children and it showed.

The Barbarian

That's a lie. I heard what he said live at the rally, and he did not say that. He joked about it but he did not say it. Its pathetically stupid to regurgitate lies that you hear.

Now, he says it's a joke, after getting called out on saying it. Accusing people of treason because they failed to applaud him, was pretty stupid.

But his narcissism keeps him from realizing it.



The way the Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address for great things like was the most disgusting pathetic display I have ever seen. The party of Truman and Kennedy died long ago, and what remains is a socialist hate-filled freak-show. Who agrees? .....

"CatholicCrusader" should be glad that no Democrat followed the Republican example and shouted "YOU LIE!" during Trump's "Address to the Nation!"



To be fair, some republicans were disgusted and ashamed of that idiot.

Many/most Republican politicians are also "disgusted" and "ashamed" of "The Donald" in private, but few have had the moral courage to break ranks and speak out in public!

Where Republicans in Congress have attempted to "defend the indefensible," history will not be kind to those who failed to exercise their moral compass when the country needed them to stand up and "speak truth to power!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump, noting the way it's done in North Korea, says that it's "treason" to not applaud him.

Is anyone surprised?

No, not even his supporters. Maybe especially his supporters.

So, you would deny the President of the United States an opinion of his own? I suppose you 'far-left zealots' only believe the 'far-left' has the right to 'free speech?' Socialists, such as yourself have a very warped definition of 'free speech.'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Now, he says it's a joke, after getting called out on saying it. Accusing people of treason because they failed to applaud him, was pretty stupid.

But his narcissism keeps him from realizing it.

Your recollection of HOW the President said what he said is varied according to your biased attitude towards him. You have the 'perception' of a typical 'far-left zealot.'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump, noting the way it's done in North Korea, says that it's "treason" to not applaud him.

Is anyone surprised?

No, not even his supporters. Maybe especially his supporters.

Do you share your 'animus' against the President with your Priest and fellow Parishioners, during Mass?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The way the Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address for great things like was the most disgusting pathetic display I have ever seen. The party of Truman and Kennedy died long ago, and what remains is a socialist hate-filled freak-show. Who agrees?

Dems ‘sit on their hands’ as Trump touts economic gains, vets in State of the Union
Full story with video:

"Democrats on Tuesday night took their 'resistance' to President Trump to new lengths, with some refusing to even applaud or stand during his State of the Union address to acknowledge economic gains or an honoring of veterans.
This included during Trump's reference to record-low African-American unemployment and a promise to fix the country’s crippled infrastructure.

"It was amazing to watch," Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News' Sean Hannity after the speech, saying it looked like Democrats wanted to stand but felt obligated to oppose his father.

Several pundits pointed out the striking response on Twitter, noting these are the kind of non-controversial items that usually merit applause

"......Several members during the address chose not to stand when Trump honored Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and praised his resolve for returning to work less than four months after he “took a bullet” from a gunman and "almost died.”

And they chose not join in the applause for a 12-year-old boy in the gallery whom Trump praised for putting flags on soldiers’ graves on Veterans Day

My Parents WERE both Democrats when I was growing up and I'm here to tell you, the Democratic Party of the 50s and 60s is not the 'far-left Democratic Party' we're seeing today, far from it. One of my favorite Presidents is, JFK. My other two favorites are, Trump and Reagan. (In that order) I consider myself to be a "Conservative Independent" who is led to vote Republican in every election.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Many/most Republican politicians are also "disgusted" and "ashamed" of "The Donald" in private, but few have had the moral courage to break ranks and speak out in public!

Where Republicans in Congress have attempted to "defend the indefensible," history will not be kind to those who failed to exercise their moral compass when the country needed them to stand up and "speak truth to power!"

I take it, you have enormous amounts of PROOF to back this accusation up, correct? Please display your "Facts" here on TOL. I'm sure YOUR data and rigid Polls are readily available to display, right?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I certainly hope J-Garden isn't just making a unsubstantiated accusation based upon his bias against our President? I suppose it wouldn't be the first or last time a 'far-left zealot' made accusations that weren't quite on the level.


The way the Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address for great things like was the most disgusting pathetic display I have ever seen. The party of Truman and Kennedy died long ago, and what remains is a socialist hate-filled freak-show. Who agrees?

Dems ‘sit on their hands’ as Trump touts economic gains, vets in State of the Union
Full story with video:

"Democrats on Tuesday night took their 'resistance' to President Trump to new lengths, with some refusing to even applaud or stand during his State of the Union address to acknowledge economic gains or an honoring of veterans.
This included during Trump's reference to record-low African-American unemployment and a promise to fix the country’s crippled infrastructure.

"It was amazing to watch," Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News' Sean Hannity after the speech, saying it looked like Democrats wanted to stand but felt obligated to oppose his father.

Several pundits pointed out the striking response on Twitter, noting these are the kind of non-controversial items that usually merit applause

"......Several members during the address chose not to stand when Trump honored Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and praised his resolve for returning to work less than four months after he “took a bullet” from a gunman and "almost died.”

And they chose not join in the applause for a 12-year-old boy in the gallery whom Trump praised for putting flags on soldiers’ graves on Veterans Day
Dems are doing the exact same thing they said Republicans would do if Clinton won in 2016. Sad, political party bias is tearing this country apart. We don't need to be focused on party loyalty, but more focused on the improvement of the country. And sitting on your ****ing hands, ecpiscally when a 12 year old is being clapped for, just because you don't like the president, is immature. Vote these guys out please.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
How anybody that is affiliated with the "Far-left Democratic Party" can wake up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror, is beyond my furthest imagination? If I were them (Thank goodness I'm NOT) I'd be totally ashamed at what I saw in that mirror.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Dems are doing the exact same thing they said Republicans would do if Clinton won in 2016. Sad, political party bias is tearing this country apart. We don't need to be focused on party loyalty, but more focused on the improvement of the country. And sitting on your ****ing hands, ecpiscally when a 12 year old is being clapped for, just because you don't like the president, is immature. Vote these guys out please.

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It would be best if you, watched the "Implied bad language" in the future. Otherwise, you won't last very long around here. Know what I mean?