One Christian Zionist Position Against Trump


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One Christian Zionist Position Against Trump


"Rafael Cruz proffered a sermon at an Irving, Texas megachurch last year
announcing that his son was anointed as one of the Christian “kings” who
would preside over a transfer of wealth in America by taking “dominion.”
Rafael Cruz indicated that his son was among the evangelical Christians who
are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society, an
agenda commonly referred to as the “Seven Mountains” mandate, and “bring
the spoils of war to the priests."

Rafael Cruz is the father of Ted Cruz.


In 2016 Charles E. Carlson writes that "Rafael Cruz as a pastor has been
able to use his connection into the upper echelons of the evangelical
movement to win support among some very well known figureheads and wealthy
donors. Late December the Cruz's brought together a large assembly of
Christian leaders, all of who are particularly interested in Ted Cruz
simply because his faith will undoubtedly have a massive impact on American
Foreign policy if he were to win the presidency. The Washington Post gives
us details as to who was in attendance and also some insight as to what
they wanted to see in a Ted Cruz presidency. "Those in attendance at the
Monday sessions included prominent televangelists, such as John Hagee,
pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, and James Dobson, founder
of the Focus on the Family organization. Richard Land, president of the
Southern Evangelical Seminary and a longtime leader of the Southern Baptist
Convention, was there, according to interviews with attendees, most of whom
were not authorized to discuss the off-the-record session."

Ted Cruz might seem to be the Christian Zionist - dispensationalist -
choice in this election. However, I know of dispensationalists who support
Trump and not Cruz, such as Doug Hagmann and his son Joe, and through I am
not sure about Steve Quayle, he too may support Trump. The so-called
Christian Evangelical vote in the South Carolina Primary was split between
Trump and Cruz and Rubio,

I saw a post in the last few days which is relevant to the Christian
Zionist position, or positions, on Trump. This post apparently
appeared online after Ted Cruz said he was dropping out of the race
for the Republican nomination. Its possible he could run on a third
party platform and oppose Trump. I am not gong to give the name
of the guy who wrote this. He hints at Trump in some way being the
"Little Horn," which indicates he is probably a dispensationalist or Christian
Zionist. The dispensationalists focus a lot on the appearance of their one
man Anti-Christ figure in the end times. And some of them identify the
Little Horn of Daniel 7: 8 as their one man Anti-Christ.

But the Little Horn in Daniel 7: 8 appears during the time in which the
four beast empires rise up to world power. And they are after the Cross,
not a repeat of the four pre-Cross kingdoms of Daniel 2. These are seen in
Daniel 7: 4-7, and in Daniel 7: 8 the Little Horn appears. It is also a
nation though a small one, and powerful. The Little Horn fits the head of
the first beast of Revelation 13: 3 which was wounded to death, but its
deadly wound was healed. Again, this first beast, or Little Horn nation,
is not a man.

The writer of this post on Trump says that the American evangelicals have
made the Trump nomination possible. Since the present American
evangelical Capital C Church is largely dispensationalist or Christian
Zionist, what he is saying is that the Christian Zionists in the U.S.
played a large role in getting Trump into a position to be dominated. It
is true that parts of the Alternative Media - the Patriot Media - helped
get Trump nominated. But this Alternative Media is diverse, and though it
includes possible dispensationalists like Doug Hagmann and possibly Steve
Quayle, it also includes people like Michael Savage, who has had a large
influence on Trump's focus upon Culture, Language and Borders. The
alternative media
may have influenced Trump to bring Political Correctness to public
attention as well as the rule of a small elite of bankers and heads or
huge corporations.

Trump has not publically identified himself with any Christian denomination
nor a particular Christian theology, and this is important for what this
Christian Zionist writer says about Trump's theology.

And this Christian Zionist writer says these evangelicals have been saying
that the United States is under judgment by God for abortion, gay marriage,
lesbianism, bisexuality, and now the transgender perversion, along with a
very obvious loss of morality all over the place. This is all part of the
plan of Transformational Marxism to destroy the culture which has supported
a non-Communist society in the West. The collectivization of the
youth, especially in the universities, is already in progress,

That supporting culture of the West
is Biblical Christianity which emphasizes the role of the individual who is
transformed by Christ in him, thought the Holy Spirit, and supported also
by the strong family.

All of this, the sins, which the evangelical Capital C Church is somewhat
aware of, is part of Cultural Marxism's plan to abolish that culture.
Notice that abortion, gay marriage, lesbianism, bisexuality, and now the
transgender perversion, along with a very obvious loss of morality all over
the place attacks Biblical Christianity and the family.

Cultural Marxism has been co-opted by the Ruling elite in America and in
the world. We could say that a big part of the tribulation of Matthew 24
is man-made. Whether we are in the early stages of that tribulation or
near its beginning is a question.

This Christian Zionist writer says or implies that saying America is under
judgment and then supporting Trump who says he will make America great
again is contradictory. The writer says if Trump can save America, then
the judgment of God has come to a stop.

Since Hillary as President can be seen as being a continuation of judgment
on America for the sins listed above, and maybe worse, then the important
question is whether the evangelicals should support her or Trump, or sit
out the election? All three of these possibilities will be carried out by
the evangelicals. But which of the three will be the dominant one?

The Christian Zionist writer opposing Trump then implies that Trump will
follow a Christian dominionist theology - without ever showing that Trump
has indicated he holds to that theology at all.
He suggests that the American Eagle under Trump is going to wage a bloody
war on the world, and that the American Eagle is going to change under
Trump into an Orange Eagle which will feed on God's people.

This is just one scenario that the Christian Zionists who oppose Trump
might dream up.
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The present day followers of Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Max Horkheimer, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Abraham Harold Maslow, Irvin Yalom, Carl Ransom Rogers, Benjamin Samuel Bloom and Normon O. Brown would promote and defend Political Correctness - and they would support abortion, gay marriage, lesbianism, bisexuality, and now the transgender perversion, along with a
very obvious loss of morality all over the place.

The guys listed above - all or almost all dead now - are the ones who designed the social engineering to weaken and finally destroy Biblical Christianity and the strong American family. Abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and confusion about one's sexuality are all part of that social engineering, which the Christian Zionist Church is somewhat aware of as national sins but too spiritually weak to overthrow. Trump, however, has done more to bring the ideology of Political Correctness into public awareness - in a critical sense - than Establishment politicians. And the Christian Zionist Church has not really brought Political Correcness into public awareness in a critical way either.

Present day Political Correctness came out of the ideologies of the twelve guys listed above. Although many who are part of the Political Correctness movement do not know what Marxism is, Political Correctness developed out of what has been called Transformational Marxism or Cultural Marxism. The idea has been to tear down the culture of the West which has made old Soviet style Bolshevism impossible, and then when that older Western culture supported by Biblical Christianity, individuality, self-reliance, and the strong family has been done away with, an international Marxist-Fascist Dictatorship controlled by the elite can be set up.

Georg Lukacs, Antonio Gramsci, Max Horkheimer, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse were the European founders of Transformational Marxism and the Frankfurt School.

Abraham Harold Maslow, Irvin Yalom, Carl Ransom Rogers, Benjamin Samuel Bloom and Normon O. Brown were American social engineers who were under influence from the Frankfurt School.

A footnote in Benjamin Bloom's book, Affective Domain, on
page 166, acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno
and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology
in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. All American school teachers since the sixties have to become certified by their knowledge of the principles in Bloom's Educational Goal Taxonomies. Bloom was influenced by the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School.
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