On Let Trump Be Trump


New member
Lewandowski, Bossie:

Trump Won by Rejecting GOP ‘Professional Consultant Class’ Who ‘Made a Living’ Losing Elections



The strategy was more like that of that loose band of fighter Patriots of the American Revolution.

The result being that the British found themselves unable to make neither hide nor tail out of such an enemy, simply because the Patriots did not play by the rules of propriety during war that even our American Military had also ended up somewhat bogged down by.

Wars are won by battles. And battles are won by the those not easily figured out by their enemy.

Which only shows an aspect not readily observable in Lewandowski and Bossie - that Trump's win was not really a result of his own doing.

He has ever been very predictable. Just about his every major real estate deal was one where he ended up over paying by hundreds of millions of dollars, for example.

His narcissism ever rendering him a pawn his much more sound in mind business opponents were ever able to use against him to basically see the guy coming.

As is always the case in the narcicist.

Narcissism rendering the narcissist...ever predictable...ever easily manipulated, as a result.

Just tell the narcissist what they so desperately need to hear...about how great they are...repeatedly...right out of their wallet...with their thank you.

I continue to find the whole Trump win saga ever fascinating.

It is typically Trump.

As with his many massive business failures - able to buy his way in, he ends up in, only to end up screwing the whole thing up.

The fool simply refuses to believe that is exactly what he is.

Fortunately, as with various investment markets, our country - will - rebound from this clown.

Fortunately our country is much more than any one man, and or his supposed "deplorables" alone.

Let Trump Be Trump...he will only sabotage himself out of the mess he would lead us into...bigly.

patrick jane

From the link - Good Article

Lewandowski agreed with SiriusXM host Rebecca Mansour’s framing of Trump’s presidential campaign as having a revolutionary effect on “the whole political landscape.”
Lewandowski was joined by David Bossie to discuss their new book, Let Trump Be Trump: The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency, a memoir of their work with Trump’s presidential campaign.
The duo’s book is #5 on The New York Times’ bestsellers list and #2 on The Washington Post‘s.
Partial transcript below:
MANSOUR: The professional consultant class, the ones that had been brought up into the Beltway think tanks, that had sort of sprung up from the Heritage Foundation and sprung up from all these organizations that create Conservative Inc. They had been running candidate after candidate; for example, the Mitt Romney was very professionally run, right? With all of the best of the best, he had money to pay for everybody. Jeb Bush’s campaign, best of the best, had money to pay for everybody, and yet they lost really badly.
And here’s this guy who everybody … called him a clown, and your little operation, but you guys won! So does that say something about the political class and their skills and their understanding of the way the American electorate thinks?

LEWANDOWSKI: Of course it does. It says they’re failures, don’t kid yourself. These professional consultants have made a living for a long time raping candidates out of their money because it doesn’t matter if they win or lose. If they win, they take the credit. If they lose, they blame the candidate, and there’s no accountability.
And I didn’t want that, and Trump didn’t want that, and you know why? When I started on the campaign, I told Donald Trump I would spend the money like it was my own … If I wouldn’t do it on my own campaign running for office, I wouldn’t do it for him.
Those within the “professional consultant class,” lamented their inability to parasitize the Trump campaign’s funds for self-enrichment, said David Bossie.
Partial transcript below:
MANSOUR: I want to ask you about some of the challenges that you faced with the consultant class. In particular, getting back to what I was mentioning earlier about the way that you changed the election, in the way that the whole political landscape is now changed. It’s like an earthquake, really, the Trump earthquake.
Before, there was a vested interest, it seemed to me, among a lot of the critics of Trump — the most virulent critics — among the Never Trumpers, because many of them have connections to the consultant class of the GOP, and [Donald Trump] wasn’t using the consultant class. Still isn’t, really. He’s basically upended, sort of, the political, the professional Conservative Inc. political class in D.C. Is that part of the reason you think, why they are so resistant and hostile to him?
BOSSIE: Well, you hit it on the head. That is part of it, that the professional consultant class was not able to make a lot of money on [Donald Trump’s presidential] campaign. [Corey Lewandowski] didn’t hire them during the primary, and I can assure you that Steve Bannon and I didn’t hire them during the general.
You’re talking about a campaign that was 100 percent driven [by the candidate] … [Donald Trump] didn’t need, he didn’t want a bunch of handlers. He didn’t want people telling him, “These are poll-tested words to say.” He wanted to be who is, and that is authentic. And that is one of the most important things that gave him an edge when it came to election day.

I guess danoh read the book already.


Hall of Fame
Fortunately our country is much more than any one man, and or his supposed "deplorables" alone.

Let Trump Be Trump...he will only sabotage himself out of the mess he would lead us into...bigly.

Very true ... however, my worry is about all of those victims he intentionally harms along the way as well as the loss of our allies and national reputation.


New member
From the link - Good Article

Lewandowski agreed with SiriusXM host Rebecca Mansour’s framing of Trump’s presidential campaign as having a revolutionary effect on “the whole political landscape.”
Lewandowski was joined by David Bossie to discuss their new book, Let Trump Be Trump: The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency, a memoir of their work with Trump’s presidential campaign.
The duo’s book is #5 on The New York Times’ bestsellers list and #2 on The Washington Post‘s.
Partial transcript below:
MANSOUR: The professional consultant class, the ones that had been brought up into the Beltway think tanks, that had sort of sprung up from the Heritage Foundation and sprung up from all these organizations that create Conservative Inc. They had been running candidate after candidate; for example, the Mitt Romney was very professionally run, right? With all of the best of the best, he had money to pay for everybody. Jeb Bush’s campaign, best of the best, had money to pay for everybody, and yet they lost really badly.
And here’s this guy who everybody … called him a clown, and your little operation, but you guys won! So does that say something about the political class and their skills and their understanding of the way the American electorate thinks?

LEWANDOWSKI: Of course it does. It says they’re failures, don’t kid yourself. These professional consultants have made a living for a long time raping candidates out of their money because it doesn’t matter if they win or lose. If they win, they take the credit. If they lose, they blame the candidate, and there’s no accountability.
And I didn’t want that, and Trump didn’t want that, and you know why? When I started on the campaign, I told Donald Trump I would spend the money like it was my own … If I wouldn’t do it on my own campaign running for office, I wouldn’t do it for him.
Those within the “professional consultant class,” lamented their inability to parasitize the Trump campaign’s funds for self-enrichment, said David Bossie.
Partial transcript below:
MANSOUR: I want to ask you about some of the challenges that you faced with the consultant class. In particular, getting back to what I was mentioning earlier about the way that you changed the election, in the way that the whole political landscape is now changed. It’s like an earthquake, really, the Trump earthquake.
Before, there was a vested interest, it seemed to me, among a lot of the critics of Trump — the most virulent critics — among the Never Trumpers, because many of them have connections to the consultant class of the GOP, and [Donald Trump] wasn’t using the consultant class. Still isn’t, really. He’s basically upended, sort of, the political, the professional Conservative Inc. political class in D.C. Is that part of the reason you think, why they are so resistant and hostile to him?
BOSSIE: Well, you hit it on the head. That is part of it, that the professional consultant class was not able to make a lot of money on [Donald Trump’s presidential] campaign. [Corey Lewandowski] didn’t hire them during the primary, and I can assure you that Steve Bannon and I didn’t hire them during the general.
You’re talking about a campaign that was 100 percent driven [by the candidate] … [Donald Trump] didn’t need, he didn’t want a bunch of handlers. He didn’t want people telling him, “These are poll-tested words to say.” He wanted to be who is, and that is authentic. And that is one of the most important things that gave him an edge when it came to election day.

I guess danoh read the book already.

You have ever been that - a guess-er. :chuckle:

Try looking at a thing through its principles - you are ever stuck at looking at things through its content.

Huge difference.