Oh! The sweet sound of suicide!


Now a mike in front of my rented mission center is blaring Krishna songs. Hindus are enamored in Krishna’s romance with aunt Radha, the wife of his uncle. Many of them are hearing and a few are dancing to the tune. Though these romances led Radha and her girl companions’ to suicide, being rejected by the society, that doesn’t deter them. Krishna also committed suicide at the end after conquering an empire in north India. But he had to kill his unruly immoral and adulterous empire conquering children and kin. Then in acute depression he bribed a hunter to kill him.

In spite of that they have elevated him to Godhead and had woven many lurid romances with Radha. Sung with devotion and music they pull crowds of Hindus in India as common people are most addicted to amorous tales. Now this is pulling Europeans too in USA, Europe and elsewhere in ISKON movement. Its leaders explain away those adulteries as divine love between God and human soul. It is deceptive as people don’t understand divine love but only sex-love. So they equate that love with divine love to their peril. Certainly they will be pulled towards its most reasonable conclusion of soul disintegration suicide here or in eternity.

Of course many supreme gods of Hindus committed suicide in the end due to their pride and sins. Still they are worshipped as if they are alive. This can be understood easily. We, all from Adam to now, have fallen from an old pride degenerated paradise (bigger than earth as sun is in soul population) worshipping suicidal pride-devil. All of us are running compulsively to soul-disintegrating suicide being driven by unruly passions. This is true for all religions and atheists too. They all are enamored in falsehood of passionate films and music that doesn’t build up soul by spiritual love relations and love-integration of soul-parts. Music mimics the sound of heart beat and blood murmur of mother’s womb. So we are suicidally fascinated by it. In spiritual world there is no air for music’s sound waves. But spiritual love is there. If we want to live, we have to build up spiritual love that we have destroyed inside us in paradise before our fall.

To teach that Christ came, labored and being rejected died on the cross. Here people accept and worship pride-devil to guide them to suicide and reject humble Father God guiding to life. Actually whole humanity is life-rejecter and rushing to suicide, Christian or not. Christians’ A-bomb god is their suicide leader in the final stage. But Father gets trampled to death in Christ trying to stop our stampede to suicide. Explanation of this suicide urge is given fully in my other threads.

Previously a Hindu, I was once a follower of Krishna to suicide. Led on the verge of it, I searched for a savior to clear the suicide urge in me. Christ found and saved me by cleaning my suicide urge by his love-blood flowing still now in martyrs. Now I live as Christ lives in me. That I am preaching among Muslims, Hindus and renegade Christians