OH HORRORS! Trump went against the R Party!


New member
Have u been watching the news reports lately about Trump and his comments RE the illegals?

they (talking heads) are saying that Trump is damaging the R party ... well, i didn't hear that exact word (damaging) but you get the gist...

Notice something here...

He is accused of adversely affecting the PARTY... going against

the PARTY!

So... I guess people saying this are saying that the PARTY is what is important...

as opposed to the PEOPLE the "party" is supposed to represent...

well, isn't that interesting...

As that Caddel (Pat? ) guy said (on that show hosted by Harris Falkner)

(something to the effect of) the politicians have nothing but contempt for the American people...




New member
Trump is making the other candidates look like sissies extroidinare. They are all dearly afraid to say ANYTHING that could be remotely considerd politically incorrect. Trump just bombs away at the real issues that are AMERICA'S issuses.


New member
Trump is making the other candidates look like sissies extroidinare. They are all dearly afraid to say ANYTHING that could be remotely considerd politically incorrect. Trump just bombs away at the real issues that are AMERICA'S issuses.
Funny thing about bombs is collateral damage.


New member
Funny thing about bombs is collateral damage.


Apparently, the Republican base figures that in a roomful of lunatics, the one who does the most to appear insane is the best choice?
I can't think of any other reason why the most overtly racist, sexist, and classist candidate has suddenly shot up to #1 in conservative polls.

Looks like this election will be Socialist Jew Fueling Grassroots Political Revolution vs. Lex Luthor With Worse Hair.


New member

Apparently, the Republican base figures that in a roomful of lunatics, the one who does the most to appear insane is the best choice?
I can't think of any other reason why the most overtly racist, sexist, and classist candidate has suddenly shot up to #1 in conservative polls.

Looks like this election will be Socialist Jew Fueling Grassroots Political Revolution vs. Lex Luthor With Worse Hair.
Their plan is a bit more creative, I think. Now, a conservative can come out of right field and be "moderate" in comparison to Trump. Thus, making candidate B more attractive to centrist minorities.


New member
Their plan is a bit more creative, I think. Now, a conservative can come out of right field and be "moderate" in comparison to Trump. Thus, making candidate B more attractive to centrist minorities.

It seems overly optimistic to assume there is a plan in play here, but personally I would be totally fine with just about anyone else getting the nomination.
Especially since Bernie isn't antagonizing anyone on either side of the aisle, is gaining popularity in traditional "red" states, has motivated Democrats in Oklahoma to open their traditionally-closed primaries to registered Independents, and is mostly being ignored by the media except when they take a few moments to remind everyone that he's unelectable...even as his support continues to skyrocket.


New member
Funny thing about bombs is collateral damage.
The only collateral damage in verbal political bombs, is the people whose positions are weak, controlled and corralled by the minions of the PC Gods. Those losses are benificial in my mind. A thinning of the gop heard is a good result from Trump's bombs.


New member
The only collateral damage in verbal political bombs, is the people whose positions are weak, controlled and corralled by the minions of the PC Gods. Those losses are benificial in my mind. A thinning of the gop heard is a good result from Trump's bombs.
You say that so long as you aren't the target, then all of a sudden it's an infringements on rights and crying louder than an infant that the government is coming to get you.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think trump has a deal with hillary
it took perot to elect the first clinton
it will take trump to get the second one elected

what can we do about it?
let everyone know
don't be a fool when you vote


New member
Trump is making the other candidates look like sissies extroidinare. They are all dearly afraid to say ANYTHING that could be remotely considerd politically incorrect. Trump just bombs away at the real issues that are AMERICA'S issuses.

yeh, and that's why the American people like him... I had to take him off my Debate List (top 10 people i want to hear debate..) b/c i don't think he is really pro life... meaning he may think that its OK to kill a child if the parent is a criminal... (rapist..)

But still... i like the fact that he couldn't care less if people like him... he is going to tell it like it is...



New member
I think trump has a deal with hillary
it took perot to elect the first clinton
it will take trump to get the second one elected

what can we do about it?
let everyone know
don't be a fool when you vote

i dont get how they could have a deal?

what kind of deal?

He is opposed to everything she "stands" for (ha ha)... Hellary stands for something until it is not politically expedient to do so...



New member

Apparently, the Republican base figures that in a roomful of lunatics, the one who does the most to appear insane is the best choice?
I can't think of any other reason why the most overtly racist, sexist, and classist candidate has suddenly shot up to #1 in conservative polls.

rse Hair.

Moron City
