Of Dolphins, Dogs and Homosexuals

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Of Dolphins, Dogs and Homosexuals

This is the show from Monday March 23rd, 2009.

If you elevate animal rights you denigrate human rights...Just imagine that somehow we could
equalize all animals and humans - everyone had the same rights...If you really think we're all
equal then a human being killing his child to eat his child in order to save time from going to
the grocery store is not any different from a fish eating a fish.
When homosexuals point to dogs or goats and say, "Look, there's homosexual behaviour
in the animal kingdom." ...At that point I have to confess - usually I'm not at a loss for words - but at that point I have to say, "Well, you've got me stymied there. I can't disagree with you. If you want to say homosexuals are like pigs and dogs, I don't know how I can refute that."
You can't regulate child molestation. There are some things you shouldn't try to regulate,
you should fight on principle to teach people this is wrong and it needs to be recriminalized. You
don't regulate killing children...You don't regulate homosexuality.
God says do not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if you're ashamed of God's
commands, "Do not steal" "Do not murder" "Do not commit adultery" then how are you going to lead
people to salvation when they don't think they need to be saved? What are they guilty of? They just
fornicate and kill their unborn children. What are they guilty for? These are things that make them


Suicide Advocates Against Beached Dolphins: Why do advocates of suicide always try to stop dolphins from killing themselves? Speaking of animals, Bob Enyart says, "I love animals, they're delicious. Of course animals have rights! They have the right to be hunted, killed, cooked and eaten. The greatest achievement of any animal is to be eaten by a human being. After all, it's better to live and be eaten, then never to have lived at all. You cannot elevate animal rights without denigrating human rights. The animal rights movement tries to criminalize killing fetal pigs for research, but is 'pro-choice' and advocates 'legalized' killing of fetal boys and girls." Hypocrites.

* 18-Year-Old's Suicide Prompts Sexting Law: According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, the parents of Jessica Logan are campaigning to regulate "'sexting' - the practice of forwarding and posting sexually explicit cell-phone photos online." However, it is impossible to prevent with regulations the countless tragedies that occur when society violates God's fundamental principles of justice including His prohibitions against stealing (welfare, communism, socialism), murder (abortion, suicide, euthanasia), and adultery (sex outside of marriage including fornication, pornography, internet porn sites, prostitution, homosexuality, seducing someone's spouse).

* Republican John Boehner with another Inane Comment: Ohio's 'pro-life' U.S. congressman and House Republican leader John Boehner makes yet another absurd and amoral comment. Which of these did he actually say:
- "I fully support cheap labor, but I draw the line at the taxpayer-funded slave trade."
- "I fully support over-population studies, but I draw the line at taxpayer-funded genocide."
- "I fully support over-population studies, but I draw the line at taxpayer-funded genocide."
- "I fully support stem-cell research, but I draw the line at taxpayer-funded embryo research."
- "I fully support medical research, but I draw the line at the taxpayers funding Dr. Mengele."
BEL Flashback: Republicans Find Out Fed Operates in Secret: Newsflash to House Republican leader John Boehner, the Federal Reserve has always operated behind closed doors, and has never submitted to a public audit.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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