Obama describes the Clinton email scandal as a "Honest Mistake"


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Obviously, it’s become a political controversy,” he said of Comey's letter. “You know, the fact of the matter is, is that Hillary Clinton, having been in the arena for 30 years, oftentimes gets knocked around and people say crazy stuff about her and when she makes a mistake, an honest mistake, it ends up being blown up as if it’s just some crazy thing.

wow,simply unreal at how corrupt and rotten the entire democrat party is. Absolutely zero accountability or any sense of shame to be found by Hillary enablers.:vomit:

Hillary Clinton did not make a mistake. She made a choice.

Making a left turn when you should have turned right is a mistake. Dating a signed document for the day before instead of the current day is a mistake. Believing you got the wrong change because you gave the cashier a $20 bill and when you gave them a $10 bill is a mistake.

Having a server set up in your home in an official capacity, outside the rules established by the department you oversee and to use it to skirt FOIA requests is a choice. Deciding not to turn over subpoenaed emails is a choice, not a mistake. Arbitrarily deleting emails you claim are personal is not a mistake, it is a choice.

Nothing has been “blown up.” Hillary Clinton is responsible for everything that has happened. President Obama doesn’t recognize this because like her, he never takes responsibility for his problems, either.