Obama 'Created or Saved' but NOT God

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Obama 'Created or Saved' but NOT God

This is the show from Tuesday June 23rd, 2009.

[Some Republican] said, "The Democrats are going toward the edge of the cliff at a hundred miles an hour and we're just saying, 'Slow down a little to 80.'" That is so perfectly a description of the Republican party. They're just blithering idiots. They're not leaders. They're followers. They follow the Democrats. They're just 10 years behind or so just like our Christian ministries. They're just a few years behind the liberals, that's it. Can't you see it? Don't you track what our leaders say and do? The liberals are the leaders and the Republicans and the pro-life industry are the followers. You get that, right?


The Liberal Media Claims: that some guy named Obama has "Saved or Created" not once, now twice, but over and over again, thousands, if not 150,000 times! Yet the mainstream media continues to deny that Jesus Christ has created us, and saved us, if only we will humble ourselves, acknowledge our sin, and trust in His death and resurrection.

* More Global Cooling: Arizona's getting so freezing cold people are losing their forearms for the first time since 1913; a North Dakota city sees its first June snowfall in 60 years; and Wisconsin breaks a 70-year-old record for cold weather. Brrrr!

* Montana Personhood Movement: has embedded American RTL's Focus on the Strategy II on their website, with a link atop their homepage that says "Prolife Strategies" and another mid-page that says: "Please take time to check this out: Pro-Life Strategies that Kill Unborn Children!!"

* Columbus' Coach Dave Daubenmire: to interview Bob Enyart this weekend on Ohio radio!

* The American View's John Lofton: tells us that our order is being shipped of 100 DVDs of Brian Rohrbough's D.C. talk on pro-life strategy hosted by the Institute on the Constitution!

* Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin: admit that they are populists and shallow minded. Shocking. Truly shocking! Well, come to think of it… not really shocking.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy
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