Nuclear War with Russia immanent


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Hall of Fame
I would not worry about it, we have such a global economy now. If the Russians did that, it would be like shooting themselves.

The real problem today is small groups who may get nuclear weapons, and they would not have to care about death. Who might this describe?

Not a Russian


New member


New member
I would not worry about it, we have such a global economy now. If the Russians did that, it would be like shooting themselves.

The real problem today is small groups who may get nuclear weapons, and they would not have to care about death. Who might this describe?

Not a Russian

Thats only one of today's problems.

Of course nuclear weapons in the hands of petty criminals and fanatics is a real problem.

But so is the the kind of political and diplomatic bungling that has
already caused TWO world wars.

Just because a country is large and modern doesn't mean its incapable of mistakes (*cough* Vietnam, Iraq),
or horrifically bad political decisions (*cough* Kennedy Assassination, 9/11)


Well-known member
Humanly speaking, the thought terrifies me more now than it did when I was a kid in the early '80s. Instant incineration, or at worst a few weeks rotting to death from radiation poisoning, seem a better choice than EMPs killing almost no one and taking us all back to 1815 in five seconds.


Intercepted phonecalls reveal that

people are plotting behind the scenes
or else stumbling to start a nuclear war with Russia.

Russian TV clearly thinks this is a likely-to-inevitable scenario:

USA vs Russia - Nuclear War?
All this posturing over the Ukraine is to divert Russian public opinion away from the economic turmoil based on the falling price of oil.

How many Russian products are being sold on store shelves around the world to compensate for the decline in oil revenues and to provide the money necessary to balance that nation's massive deficits - not to mention the cost of the 2014 Sochi Olympics ($51 billion) and the 2018 World Cup ($20 billion)?

With the value of the ruble falling and Russia forced to offer 17% interest rates to attract foreign capital, the Crimea/Ukraine conflict can only make a bad situation worse - much worse.

Putin can only play this game for so long before the domestic pain in Russia catches up with him - overshadowing whatever gains he may have made in the Ukraine.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yes, Kennedy Assassination, 9/11 may occur. The future will have terrorism, yet the big national wars are simply bad for business. Everyone is doing business with anyone who is able today.

Now Russia has economic problems, they have put all their past resources into war machines, their infrastructure, they have no large means of production and they would like to use some of their weapons, as we did in Vietnam. There may be a regional war; however not at this point in time.

Russian infrastructure is weak; they need to tap their oil. The largest consumer of oil in twenty years will be China, and Russia has the oil.

The past big wars established a power balance, which is now moribund. There has to be a re-balance, surly, yet everyone dieing leads nowhere.

The video is more an attack on Obama, and while i did not vote for him, he has not been nearly as effective on his liberal agenda as many who voted for him assumed.

The power is behind the president; it moves him and all government officials, and not any of these movers want to blow themselves up, believe me.


New member




Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are not concerned about seeing a mushroom cloud 1/2 mile away?

I believe he was saying it wasn't crazy to be concerned about it, plus if you were half a mile away from an exploding nuke you'd be vaporized before you even knew what happened let alone see the cloud...

Mocking You

New member
Humanly speaking, the thought terrifies me more now than it did when I was a kid in the early '80s. Instant incineration, or at worst a few weeks rotting to death from radiation poisoning, seem a better choice than EMPs killing almost no one and taking us all back to 1815 in five seconds.

It would be more like 1965, but still frightening .