Not voting is one of the DUMBEST things I have ever heard of


New member
Not voting is one of the DUMBEST things I have ever heard of​

Even if you feel like that Daniel poster that the president of the US is selected more than elected.. you still have an obligation before God to do whatever you can, or even just what you THINK maybe you can... to try to change what is wrong in this country

To not vote is to say you don't care who gets elected...

That is about the stupidest thing i have ever heard .. No, actually... scratch that

It is not so much stupid as EVIL... irresponsible...

and it makes you come across as being above everyone else who is trying to vote for the right person... arrogant...

Please learn about the candidates and vote

God wants u to do all you can... Whether it does any good, whether or not there is some secret stuff going on behind the scenes in the election process... is just irrelevent..

God sees all...

If you stay home and others take that route... millions of others... well, that's how we got this mess...

There are many candidates who are Reagan-esque... and remember how good Reagan was for this country... wasn't a saint... but... He and Lincoln were the best presidents of all

i heard a story once about how someone was tithing to his church, but he complained to someone about how he still wasn't doing so well financially (some say if you tithe, God will bless u financially... don't know if that is true, really... probably only half true but anyhow..)

the other person said, Well that is your problem! You are giving to the CHURCH... You are supposed to be giving it to God

so... same thing, vote for the sake of God.. if you can't vote for... some person (b/c none of them is "worthy" of your vote)



The choice between a republican and a democrat is a choice between two bad options. When faced with two bad options, it may be preferable (as, in fact, I think it is, in this case) simply not to choose.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Even if you feel like that Daniel poster that the president of the US is selected more than elected.. you still have an obligation before God to do whatever you can, or even just what you THINK maybe you can... to try to change what is wrong in this country

"Jesus" didn't try to change the Roman Empire.
Nor did he instruct his disciples to change the Roman Empire.

Do you follow "Jesus"?
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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
so... same thing, vote for the sake of God.. if you can't vote for... some person (b/c none of them is "worthy" of your vote)


God does not need our help.

He isn't concerned with appointing rulers over Satan's kingdom, which is this world system.

The question is, why is your every waking moment focused on Satan's kingdom...this world system?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
At this point between Trump and Clinton and that would not be the dumbest thing in the world?


Active member
Not voting is one of the DUMBEST things I have ever heard of​

Even if you feel like that Daniel poster that the president of the US is selected more than elected.. you still have an obligation before God to do whatever you can, or even just what you THINK maybe you can... to try to change what is wrong in this country

To not vote is to say you don't care who gets elected...

That is about the stupidest thing i have ever heard .. No, actually... scratch that

It is not so much stupid as EVIL... irresponsible...

and it makes you come across as being above everyone else who is trying to vote for the right person... arrogant...

Please learn about the candidates and vote

God wants u to do all you can... Whether it does any good, whether or not there is some secret stuff going on behind the scenes in the election process... is just irrelevent..

God sees all...

If you stay home and others take that route... millions of others... well, that's how we got this mess...

There are many candidates who are Reagan-esque... and remember how good Reagan was for this country... wasn't a saint... but... He and Lincoln were the best presidents of all

i heard a story once about how someone was tithing to his church, but he complained to someone about how he still wasn't doing so well financially (some say if you tithe, God will bless u financially... don't know if that is true, really... probably only half true but anyhow..)

the other person said, Well that is your problem! You are giving to the CHURCH... You are supposed to be giving it to God

so... same thing, vote for the sake of God.. if you can't vote for... some person (b/c none of them is "worthy" of your vote)


The lesser of two evils is still evil. I do not want to take part in evil acts. Every president will probably at sometime make decisions that will kill people. I do not need to be part of that either.


New member
The lesser of two evils is still evil. I do not want to take part in evil acts. Every president will probably at sometime make decisions that will kill people. I do not need to be part of that either.

well, it is nice to meet you, Mr. NEVERbeen"Evil"InHisLife

Can I meet you in person? I have never met a sinless person b4... would really like to do that...



New member
I never said I have never sinned. I choose to not want to do evil.

to call all the candidates evil is even DUMBER than merely refraining from voting

I say only very ignorant people paint with THAT kind of brush

no wait... ignorance is not exactly it

it is EVIL

find Jesus... the real Jesus soon
