Nori's top 10 posts of 2006

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Proverbs 31:10
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Nori's Top Ten Posts of 2006

10. Big Mouth Nana gets the number ten spot with her take on masculinity and the women's movement. I should give props to Dr Brumley for starting this thread:

9. Crash showed what a lot of us believe about doctors and what should be treated by them here. This had to have been one of my favorite posts by Crash this year.

8. Although I messed up with the URL of the original post, Army of One got this one in honor of Earth Day, 2006.

7. This couldn't have been stated better by myself. Ps82, thank you for this one.

6. Peacock gets this one for this post.

5. Tom O got this one in the same thread as Peacock got before. :chuckle: jcw1926 never did respond to any of the posts I made in that thread. That's all right, though.

4. King Frog (Lighthouse's dad) got this one for showing how he values homeschooling, even though his children are now grown.

3. Although I don't agree with everything he says, CabinetMaker got the number 3 spot with this response to AllSmiles.

2. Agape4Robin gets the number 2 spot with this response to inteltheology on what it means for a woman to submit to her husband. I will thank you for that one, Robin. I lost patience with inteltheology. :chuckle:

1. The number 1 spot goes to Pastor Kevin, for this post. I absolutely love it when someone makes me think and question whether I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, as a Christian, with a simple phrase. In this case, the phrase was, "Don't be ashamed of your faith!" Thank you for that, Pastor Kevin.

I can honestly say that I have struggled with that in the past. I'm no longer ashamed of my faith, thanks to men like you who were willing to tackle tough issues in their messages instead of appeasing the mamby-pamby liberals who want only a message of peace and love. :)

I have to add an honorable mention to this list. I don't usually post the whole post on my Top Ten list. But, this one bears repeating. This honor goes to lovemeorhateme for his testimony. This young man has gone through some struggles in his life. He finally handed the reins over to God. And, although he still has temptations, he's depending on God:

lovemeorhateme said:
Adam, let me tell you a little about myself. In doing so, I hope it will help you understand where I am coming from.

When I was 14, I 'came out' as a gay person. I did this, after being brought up in a home that was condemning of homosexuality, because of my parents Christian beliefs. I thought, and told them, that their beliefs were wrong. I was very in-your-face, and kept trying to pursuade my parents that I was right and they were wrong. At one point my dad called me a 'shame to the family', and that made me very angry and upset. I couldn't understand why my parents would not accept this homosexuality. I did my best to try and show them that homosexuality is the equivelent to heterosexuality. I did not want to know God, even though I attended Church.

During this time, I even got the help of gay youth groups and the like. I read books on the issue of 'homosexuality and the Bible', and even met the writer of one of these books. I was only researching on homosexuality and the Bible, not because I wanted to 're-interpret' the Bible for myself (as I wasn't a believer), but because I wanted Christians such as my parents to accept me as I was, and it just wasn't happening!

During this time, I, myself, had multiple partners, and convinced myself that I was just seeking love, wanting a long-term relationship with another man.

When I was 16, this was when I first thought about the concept of knowing God, and having a personal relationship with Him. However, I decided that I did not want to be in the Church, as it condemned homosexuality, and I bought the big lie, that homosexuality is a behaviour which one is born with, and one cannot change. So, I decided to go to the Metropolitan Community 'Church', and sure found a whole load of 'Christians' prepared to affirm my lifestyle choices. They agreed with me when I complained about other Churches who condemned homosexuality.

You know what though? Whilst I was going to this Church, I joined TOL. I started posting on here about how homosexuality should be accepted, and even posted some of the exact same stuff on here from the MCC website that you have done on this thread. When I did so, all I seemed to get back was condemnation, and hate. I thought 'this isn't right, a Christian can't hate'. At the same time, I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my own Church, MCC. I don't know whether this was because of the prayers of TOL members, my family, or both. However, I started seeing that these people in MCC were more interested in sleeping around than being in Church. These people were gay first, and Christian second. Something in me told me 'this isn't right, get out of here'. So I did.

I started attending Hillsong Church in London, a right-wing, fundamentalist, evangelical Church. Certainly not a Church that I would have chosen to go to up to that point. I was there for a few months, not exactly sure what to do with my life, and then around last October, I was talking with Knight on one of the TOL threads, and I gave my life to the Lord. Just like that. I entered into a personal relationship with Him. I haven't looked back since.

I'm not saying I haven't had struggles, of course I have! I'm not ready for a relationship with anyone right now either, I will wait for God's timing on that, instead of my own timing. However, I have someone to take those struggles and failures to. He has done so much for me, and He can for you too, but not as long as you are proud in your sin.

The Lord loves you man, He wants to save you, but you need to come to Him, and leave your sin. If you don't, you will go to hell. There's no two ways about it.

You can argue against most of my posts, but you cannot argue against testimony, and that is what I have just shared with you.

Remember that we love you LMOHM! You are in my prayers!

Congrats to all of you who made my top ten. Hopefully, in the coming year, I will have a lot more posts that really speak to me and stand out in my mind. I'd eventually like to do a top twenty-five. :chuckle:



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Good picks, Nori!

Congrats, PastorKevin. :up:
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