Nori's POTD 4-21-08

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You know, I rarely, if ever, agree with MOM on anything. But, I think that she's got it right about the FLDS issue. After everything that's been coming out about the story, I'm even finding myself agreeing with Praak on this issue. While I am against polygamy and adult/child sexual relationships, this whole thing stinks to high heaven. Instead of arresting any men from the Texas compound, they took all of the children away from their parents. Is this going to stop the FLDS polygamous lifestyle? I don't think so. They'll just move somewhere else and start over again.

Anyway, MOM makes a good point with this post, in reply to Jinkx. Why, if you support teaching children how to have "safe" sex, would you have a problem with children having sex with whomever they choose to do it with?

MindOverMatter said:
Why are abuses by the government worse than abuses of the *religious wackos* or any other wackos when it involves preying on children and teens?

“Worse” is subjective and depends on your Position. Those in their respective Positions generally don’t change it until experience happens. In other words, the person who is in the Position that states that government “abuses” are not worse than the “abuses” of so-called “religious wackos,” generally will not change until they have experienced a certain level of governmental “abuse” that is greater than the abuse that they have experienced from “religious” wackos.

Secondly, how can you be “worse” than yourself?

You apparently don't even think the government should err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting children from adult predators. I mean how else could this practice be legitimized if you didn't label it under "religious freedom and privacy".

Preying on children? Now the funny thing is that you seem to have little problem with teaching “children” about the sex that they are going to have anyway. So now what is your problem with these “children” having sex? Is it because they are not having sex with other “children?” What problem could you who advocates “children” having “safe” sex, have with those who have chosen to have “safe” sex with these “children?”

I will ask you one question: Are you okay with men having a physical and marital relationship with children or young teens as long as their parents are in agreement with this practice?

Why not. After all, it is their religion or belief and their future. You yourself have no problems with young people having “safe” sex. And since that is the case, the question is: If you don’t have a problem with young people having “safe” sex, then why should we have a problem with young married people having “safe” sex?
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