Nori's POTD 3-8-08

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
DXPose gets my pick today for this post:

I've noticed a lot on this thread that people can't seem to understand the difference between a loving, controlled spanking and hitting or beating a child. There really is no reasoning with folks who value Dr. Spock over Scripture.

For the 100th time - NO ONE is saying that spanking is the ONLY way either! However, for major offenses, spanking is the best form of discipline to achieve the desired behavior. And yes, if you don't spank your child when he needs it - you HATE your child - period!

"He who spares his rod HATES his son, but he who loves him diligently disciplines and punishes him early." - Proverbs 13:24

I've also noticed that some Christians on here do not take the Bible literally when it comes to punishing a child, and the parents use their hands as a tool for discipline instead of a rod, which isn't right either. :nono:

Biblical philosophy in child training says that our hands are meant for loving and caring for our children. The same hand that is meant for loving should not also be used for punishment. Children should learn to fear the object, "the rod" (wooden spoon, belt, switch, ect.) when punished, not our loving hands.

Besides, it also hurts our hands and it isn't very effective. :chuckle:

The whole point of a spanking is to cause mild pain to the child's backside. If we discipline with a feather, or with our hands, our children will scoff at us and continue to repeat bad behavior. If the punishment doesn't hurt, then there is no real deterrent to stop disobeying.

Biblical spankings done with a rod and out of love absolve the child from guilt, cleanse his soul, instruct his spirit, drive him towards repentance, and give him a fresh start through confidence that his dept is paid in full.

"Blows that hurt cleanse away evil;
As do stripes the inner depths of the heart."
- Proverbs 20:30

When we do have to spank (which isn't very often at all) it brings about true repentance in the hearts of our children and they usually learn to never repeat that offense again. They are more loving, happy, cheerful and obedient as a result, and they truly delight us and are a joy to be around. Consistency is the key, and you have to use a "rod" otherwise the spankings are a joke.

God is clear in His Word:

"Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death." - Proverbs 23:13-14

:BRAVO: :first:
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