Nori's POTD 3-7-08

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Mr. 5020 gets my POTD for this post, in response to that moron Prakk:

Mr. 5020 said:
You believe that children (of all ages) have the capacity to make decisions that most 20 year olds have trouble with. You are moron, and I can only assume you are trying to justify your own lusts.

You need to repent, seriously.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Cattyfan, although I love Mr. 5020's response to that moron, I like your response as well. That is why I'm adding your post as a second POTD. :D

First, in regard to the actual topic of this thread, I would agree the attempts to sexualize children have become more pervasive over the years. One need only to look at the Disney heroines little girls emulate to see it: The Little Mermaid isn't exactly dressed modestly. And now it goes further. Bratz dolls look like little hookers. It's disgusting, and it distorts a child's image of what is normal and what is attractive. (It also damages how little boys view women.)

As for the Bible and pedophelia...the Bible repeatedly talks about the rearing of children. Children being cared for by their parents. It doesn't mention children being raised and cared for by their rapists, nor does it mention children getting married. Marriage is always talked about in the context of being for adults. And, as marriage is the only context in which sex is approved, it is easy then to see the Bible doesn't condone sex with children.

Children cannot consent to sex. They lack the capacity. Therefore sex with them would be considered rape. Rape is covered (last I checked) in the Bible.

You are an idiot, Prakk...and your name reminds me of the sound my cat makes when he has a hairball. That is what I think of when I read your name.

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