Nori's POTD 12-24-07

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
PastorKevin gets my POTD for this post:

PastorKevin said:
Newman said:
I know the Truth is offensive to people that don't know the Truth. And I know they run away sometimes when they hear it. That's not what I'm getting at. I'm saying that we don't need to be content when and if they do run away.

But nobody said we should necessarily be "content" when they run away. Maybe content with the fact that we did our best to try to reach them.

Do you pray for and love your enemies?

Sure. But what does that have to do with anything? You're not making much sense honestly....

Do you understand my point now, PK? Knight? If not, please tell me which parts I need to clarify. I promise you that I am on y'all's side.

I definitely thought we made some progress last night, but I think that it isn't a matter of clarifying so much as it is you understanding yourself what you're saying. It seems as if you're all over the place here......

Well of course "A" is the answer. I don't intend on telling them things that will make them not run away. I don't think you are getting my point. I tell them the Truth, but only after I "set up" the fact that I love them (once again: not necessarily with words, but with action), and then I follow up with more loving Truth. I don't use a "smack-down truth-fest (even though those are a ton o' fun) as a mechanism of reaching out to perverts.

This makes no sense in light of the conversation we were having. You can't reach someone with the Gospel with actions only. It would be difficult for a mime to communicate the Gospel message to someone who didn't know or understand it.

Further, we are on a Theology chat board where you rarely see the person face to face, so the only way you are going to communicate the Gospel here is through words.

You do realize that the thread Knight started was more based upon how wicked the public schools have become?

Homos are perverts. Perverts don't belong around children. Perverts need to be told the Truth. Perverts will run away sometimes. Our job is not done when they run away.

It is until they come back or until we see them again. (Outside of prayer of course) :think:
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