Nori's POTD 1-18-07

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here it is:

Aimiel said:
Balder said:
If you had your druthers, which view would you PREFER to be correct?
I would prefer that His Way should be what comes to pass, whether any human beings ever grasped enough of His Word to vaguely comprehend what that is or not. I want God to be True. He is. His Word describes what shall come to pass. Putting the 'spin' which you desire on That Word and then finding enough opinions or re-defining words until His Word becomes 'palateable' isn't Truth, it is foolishness. It is clear enough what God's Word says by reading It. The pile of teachers and re-defining of words that universalists go through to reach thier conclusions are plainly error and heresy. Their god isn't The Lord, it is their imaginary god that they've created in their imaginations that they worship. It is foolishness.


Well-known member
:emarie: Why thank you. I'd like to thank The Lord for giving me wisdom to answer; my mom for spankin' me 'till I decided it was better to just do right instead of getting caught and spanked all the time, and my publicist, for all the long hours typing my posts into the internet, whatever that is.
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