Nori's Pick 7-19-04

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here for context.

Originally posted by lighthouse

I consider myself a Charismatic. However, I have never prayed for most things such as those. However, I personally knew someone who was raised from the dead. She has since died, and not been raised. I also know someone who fell from the top of a building, as it was in process [he was a construction worker, at the time]. He landed on a crane, then fell the rest of the way to the ground. He had many bones that were crushed, and others that were broken. He was not expected to live the length of the travel to the hospital. However, he is still alive. His ribcage snapped back into place, one day. Those who were in the room could hear the bones crackling. There wasn't even a hairline fracture left. And that is only part of the story. I have prayed for people to be healed. However, I feel that it is more than just my belief in God's power to heal, but there faith, as well. As for blinding evil people, I've never met anyone who was evil enough to deserve it. :chuckle: I consider myself a charismatic, solely because of my belief that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still alive today. All the gifts that Paul listed, anyway.

I couldn't have said this any better myself, lighthouse! :thumb:
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