Stripe gets my POTD, today.
I especially like the last paragraph. :first:
I don't agree with the comparisons you're drawing.
A lawyer is successful only in that he knows how to best argue a case. Were the justice systems of the world not so dependent upon this then all the representation a man would need is the story he has to tell. In a perfect world the lawyers role might be reduced to one of evidence gathering. What am I saying? In a perfect world there would be no need for lawyers. But the reduction of a teacher's role is to the ability to describe how one plus one equals two. Not exactly rocket science (that comes later). And in a perfect world we would still have teachers.
A man operating on himself is at an immediate physical disadvantage. There is no physical difference between a student being taught within the school system or outside of it.
You do raise a good point. The instruction of children is a very specialised role. There is nobody more equipped to cater for the individual needs of each of their children than the children's parents.
I especially like the last paragraph. :first: