Nori's pick 10-10-05

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Here it is:

GuySmiley said:
Originally Posted by Mustard Seed

On second thought here's a better movie for getting a glimps of Mormon dating ritual.

I found a website that was helpful also:

"When it's springtime in the Utah, mormons begin their mating rituals. The whole mating process starts in mid-May to mid-June. From afar, scientists have watched mormon courtship and copulation in the wild. They believe that in springtime, females leave scent trails for wandering males to follow. Such trails may be the key to finding a female mormon in areas where mormon populations are at very low densities. Such is the case in the East Coast Ecosystem where there is only 1 mormon for every 50 to 100 sq. km. When a male finds a female, the process of getting to know one another begins. At any other time of the year, mormons are solitary creatures that will avoid close encounters with other mormons, especially large adult males. During mating season, however, solitary mormons let down their guard a little although not for long."

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