"No one is pro-abortion"


New member
This is another liberal LIE

obviously, as we have seen in the news lately, Planned Barrenhead IS pro-abortion

more abortions = more $$ for body parts..

more abortions = more $$ period.

Moron City, you liberals who chant "No one is pro abortion"


but then, ho hum... eh?

anyone who would tear a child limb by limb, a child peacefully existing in what should be the safest place in the world...

well, we don't actually expect such monsters to tell the



do we?



New member
I'm pro-abortion. But those fees probably represent a loss for PP, so it's not likely they're going to base what they do on that.


New member
This is another liberal LIE

obviously, as we have seen in the news lately, Planned Barrenhead IS pro-abortion

more abortions = more $$ for body parts..

more abortions = more $$ period.

Moron City, you liberals who chant "No one is pro abortion"


but then, ho hum... eh?

anyone who would tear a child limb by limb, a child peacefully existing in what should be the safest place in the world...

well, we don't actually expect such monsters to tell the



do we?

Calm down radical. No one is pro-abortion. Period. Full stop.

The Horn

The story about PP selling body parts has been revealed to be a blatant lie perpetrated by a radical anti-choice organizaton which doctored the tapes to make it look as though PP sells body parts. It does not and has never done so .
People calling themselves "Pro-life" are really ANTI-CHOICE . Pro FORCED birth . Pro tunring women into baby-making machines instead of treating them like human beings .
Planned Parenthood does not round up pregnant women and force them to have abortions . They do so of their own freed will and because of their own personal problems . If PP did not exist , others would perform abortions anyway .
If our government were stupid enough to defund PP, others would perfom abortions anyway . Women will always find a way .
And if our government makes abortion illegal again, dangerous and unsanitary back-alley abortionists will instantly spring up all over America, and they will not be properly trained medical personnel .
Many,many poor women will die, and the poorest will just kill themselves with coat hangers, just as they did before Roe.
And all the time, women who could afford safe legal abortions will just fly off to Europe or elsewhere .
It won't be pretty ! The only thing which will end is the LEGALITY of abortion .


Hall of Fame
If our government were stupid enough to defund PP, others would perfom abortions anyway . Women will always find a way . And if our government makes abortion illegal again, dangerous and unsanitary back-alley abortionists will instantly spring up all over America, and they will not be properly trained medical personnel . Many,many poor women will die, and the poorest will just kill themselves with coat hangers, just as they did before Roe.

IF you truly believe that abortion is not the intentional killing of an unborn child, why do you feel the need to justify abortion for "poor women"?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."
---- Sister Joan D. Chittister, O.S.B

The Horn

The statement about "wanting a Lamborghini " has been taken completely out of context and disingenuously used as a pretext to make it look as though she was greedy and wanted to have as many fetuses aborted in order to buy a Lamborghini .
Anyway , Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization, and the people who work for it don't get rich from working there .
In fact, the contraceptives PP privides for poor women have PREVENTED an enormous number of abortions . Does PP round up pregnant women and force them to have aboertions at gun point ? Are you kidding ? They don't even force women to visit their clinics for any reason, even though most of them go there to get things such as contrapceptives , cancer screening etc .
Ironically , the abortion rate in America would be much higher thanit is without Planned parenthood . To defund it would not only idiotic but disastrous ! This will only INCREASE the abortion rate .


This is another liberal LIE

obviously, as we have seen in the news lately, Planned Barrenhead IS pro-abortion

more abortions = more $$ for body parts..

more abortions = more $$ period.

Moron City, you liberals who chant "No one is pro abortion"


but then, ho hum... eh?

anyone who would tear a child limb by limb, a child peacefully existing in what should be the safest place in the world...

well, we don't actually expect such monsters to tell the



do we?


If you wanna play word games: I'm pro-abortion by way of the liberty to choose it.
By identical means, I'm likewise pro-birth.

Do you have an acutal argument repchic or are you just whining again?

The Horn

What I meant ot say , GlassJester , is that without Planned Parenthood, the abortion rate in America would be much higher than it already is . This is a fact . And if abortion becomes illegal again in the USA , back-alley abortions will rake in the money from illegal abortions , also causing the deaths of many poro women . The poorest will just
kill themselves with coat hangers while those who can afford it will easily fly off to Europe or Canada for safe legal ones .
The abortion rate will SKYROCKET .


New member
If you wanna play word games: I'm pro-abortion by way of the liberty to choose it.
By identical means, I'm likewise pro-birth.


yeh, absolute liberty ...

ever figured it out that that is NOT possible in a civilized society?

and not true liberty in any case?

You don't have the liberty to kill someone you don't like.

and Women don't have the right to kill their children b/c of their "mistakes"
