Nineveh's PotD April 28, 2006

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Merely Christian
Berean Todd said:
For the record now, Psuedo-Barnabas around 100AD quoted from Matthew, Mark and Luke. Clement of Rome writting between 95-97 quoted from Matthew and John. Polycarp writting between 110-150 quoted Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Hermas between 115-140 quoted Matther, Mark and John. Pappias writting around 130-140 quoted John. Justin Martry writting around 150 quoted Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Now realize that in order to have made it to these men by the time of their writting it had to be written well before these dates In case it slipped your "gnostic" mind they didn't have the internet to propogate their writtings, it took a great deal of time for writtings to be copied, translated and spread about.

So this is then to say that the Gospel of John could not have been written beyond the life of John the apostle, so he was alive during the time of it's writting. Turn then to the internal evidence ... the writter constantly refers to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved", and as having been privy to many things. The inner core of Jesus' apostles was Peter, James and John, but James was martyred much too early to have written this, as was Peter. That leaves only John. Next notice that the other gospels feature John and his brother a great deal, but this gospel, though it includes the frequent use of "the disciple Jesus loved" never once mentions John or his brother. The writter frequently shows himself to have been an eyewitness to these events.

But go on, oh great one, show us your immense "gnostic" wisdom, teach all of us sad poor fools your great knowledge :chuckle: ...

Post 34

Awsome witness to history :)

Next... NuGnostic will declare his "victory" :chuckle:
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