Nineveh's PotD 9-30-04

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Merely Christian
Originally posted by Ross


I too am a scientist; a biochemist. My belief that God had a hand in abiogenesis does not change how I approach day-to-day experimentation. Such beliefs, in general, would not change how science is conduncted or what projects should be undertaken (as I mentioned above, pre-biotic chemical research should continue). A belief that there is a God who acts in the universe (the core belief of any theism) would not change how science is conducted, but it would change our worldview and thus how we construct our hypotheses about the world.

As a theist, I do not draw my belief in God from observation of the natural world. Rather, my interpretation of what I observe in the natural world is informed and made richer by my theistic beliefs.


Thank you, Ross :)
Great thread, too.
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