Nineveh's PotD 11-15-05

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Merely Christian
erinmarie said:
kmoney said:
I'm glad you loved school.
Do you think parents cannot do their job while simultaneously sending you to a public school?

I think that every parent is different, just like every child is different.

It's like the argument that people who were bottle-fed give to breastfeeding advocates, "My mom bottle fed me formula, and I turned out fine, why should breastfeed?" Because it's better for the baby! Sure you seem to be fine, but maybe you had more colds as a child, maybe you have allergies now, maybe you're skin is too dry, maybe your I.Q. could be higher. Why take the chance with your own child?

My parents sent me to school and I know they love me an immense amount. I just think that when you're sent to school you're out of your parents area for hours upon hours throughout the day. I first of all think that's too hard on young children, who should be home with their mothers through their early years. And second I think that's it's unsafe and risky to send your child into the care of strangers. I also think that there's also the nutritional defecit of school lunches, and if you pack a lunch, there's not guaranteeing your child will eat. Nutrition, rest, love and care are very important to making secure, loving, patient, caring adults.
I'm not saying your kids will turn out otherwise, but why take that chance?

Post 22

Amen! erinmarie :)


New member
I actually thought my IQ was kind of low, but Crow told me it was pretty good. :thumb: Thanks Crow, for making me feel adequate! :thumb:
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