New third party may be the only answer to Sanders and radical Democrats

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
New third party may be the only answer to Sanders and radical Democrats

New third party may be the only answer to Sanders and radical Democrats
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have trapped the Democratic Party. The Titanic is sinking and smart politicians should save themselves before it's too late. The lifeboat is a third party.


But Sanders’s opponents have been astoundingly incompetent in spelling out the social, political and economic consequences of his ideas, and his (largely young) followers are driven by zeal for “change” and to “do good,” along with total ignorance of fundamental economics, the fact that America has built the most generous social safety net in the world, and has made more progress on civil rights and human rights than any country in history without destroying its entire social fabric.

They don’t understand that Sanders’s “evil corporate profits” reflect investment and create real jobs and tax revenue that supports America’s safety nets and strengthen American workers’ pension funds (which are invested in the market). Sanders would kill the goose, eat the eggs and bring starvation, just like all the other socialist failures he admires.

But the die have been cast. Too many now are fully invested in Sanders’s “revolution.” Moderate Democrats are looking down the barrel of a convention largely run by Sanders, a party platform and statement of values conforming to aggressive socialism, and a catastrophe for Democratic candidates running for the House and Senate. They will be crushed by Trump and the Republicans. Checkmate.

The only reasonable strategy is to sweep the pieces off the board and form a new, moderate, left-of-center, political party and attract as many Democrat officeholders and voters to it as possible. There are a huge number of centrist Democrats who would jump into that lifeboat. It is certainly not too late — Ross Perot pulled it off at the last moment — but they need to see reality and move soon. Moderate Democrats: your move.

A third party to break up the Dems? Sounds great to me. Hello permanent GOP governance!