NeverTrumper admits Trump lived up to all of his election goals


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Everybody was wrong except for Donald Trump, who guaranteed a win and delivered. Trump said he would dominate the primaries. He did. He said he would sweep the general election. He did. He said he would expand the map. He did. He said he would bring GOP wins along with him across the country. He did.

Donald Trump said he would do better among black and Hispanic voters than Mitt Romney. HE. DID.

Donald Trump didn’t just win. He crushed the Democrats. Democrats across the country lost their races. The GOP controls the House, the Senate, the White House (Gold House?), the governor’s offices. State races were won. Kentucky’s state House of Representatives, the last blue holdout in the south and Dem dominated since the 1920s, went GOP.

And not just the Democrats. He defeated the media, just as he said he would. He defeated the establishment pretty universally. Just like he said.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is no two ways about this. Trump delivered exactly what he promised. Total, absolute, unmitigated victory.

We here at RedState scoffed at these Trump promises. We were wrong. He did exactly, exactly, what he said he would.