Netanyahu: the prospect for 'worst kind of war' with Iran is growing


[Netanyahu tells Steve Forbes the prospect for “worst kind of war” with Iran is growing because of nuclear deal. Polls show 47% of Israelis now support a unilateral strike. By Joel Rosenberg Central Israel] "Are Israeli leaders actively considering preemptive military strikes to neutralize Iran’s nuclear threat, now that the world powers have struck a deal that gives Iran nearly everything it wants and puts Tehran on a legal pathway to The Bomb?

I was asked this last night during an interview on an American radio program. The host knew that I had once worked for Netanyahu, and that I stay in touch with his team and other Israeli national security experts. He also knew that I had written a series of political thrillers several years ago — The Twelfth Imam, The Tehran Initiative and Damascus Countdown — that imagined what might happen if an Israeli prime minister ordered such an attack, despite pressure from an American president not to do so.

Here are some thoughts.

1.First, let me be clear: I have no inside knowledge of what Israeli leaders are preparing to do. I haven’t spoken to Mr. Netanyahu in quite some time. Indeed, having just returned to Israel on Tuesday, I haven’t been in contact with any Israeli officials yet so I’m only sharing my own personal thoughts and observations.

2.Israel has used surprise military force twice to neutralize foreign nuclear programs. In 1981, the Israeli Air Force attacked and destroyed Iraq’s nuclear facilities. Then in 2007, the Israelis attacked and destroyed a Syrian nuclear facility being built with the help of the North Koreans. An attack on Iran’s facilities would be far more complex, and the possible retaliatory blowback could be horrendous. But yet, the Israelis certainly have the capability to do what they need to do, and they’ve been preparing for years for that moment. Given Israel’s historic track record, it is possible Israeli leaders will come to the point of feeling they have no choice but to launch attacks on Iran.

3.I am certain Israel’s leaders want to find every possible avenue short of war. They certainly would like to see Congress derail this dangerous — indeed, insane — nuclear deal that gives Iran everything they want and more. This will be the first focus. The Israelis could also potentially use covert means to sabotage or slow down Iran’s pursuit of The Bomb. Meanwhile, the Israelis are quietly working with the Saudis and others Sunni Arab states to figure out ways to neutralize the Iran threat short of war, if at all possible.

4.That said, support for war is rising here. The latest polls indicate that 74% of Israelis say this deal won’t stop Iran from getting The Bomb, and 47% of Israelis now support unilateral strikes against Iran, if need be, while only 35% oppose such strikes.

5.What’s more, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an interview to my old boss, Steve Forbes, indicating that the prospect of war — including a “nuclear war” — has just become much more likely because of this deal. You will find the full text of the interview (and a link to the video) below. I would encourage you to read it and study it carefully. Please be praying for peace, praying for wisdom for Israeli and other regional leaders, pray for Congressional leaders to do the right thing, and keep praying for President Obama and his team, as well, that their hearts and actions might be dramatically changed and soon.

Here is the interview in full — or watch it here..." Full text: Netanyahu tells Steve Forbes the prospect for “worst kind of war” with Iran is growing because of nuclear deal. Polls show 47% of Israelis now support a unilateral strike.

Also see:

Sunni Arab leaders aghast at Iran deal. Saudis publicly blast it as “worse than the U.S. deal with North Korea” & warn deal will “wreak havoc in the Middle East.”

Iran’s president goes on TV to tell his nation Iran got everything it wanted from nuclear deal and much more.

Putin orders formation of new military reserve force

US Navy prepared to ramp up Pacific presence to deter China Mt 24:6


Russia's Putin signs anti-U.S. adoption bill
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Active member
Aren't all of you conservatives against those who suck off the teat of welfare? We should cut off aid to Israel and let it stand on its own two feet. We must not let it drag us into another war in the Middle East costing us another trillion dollars. If they want to start a war, let them fight it on their own.


Well-known member
Aren't all of you conservatives against those who suck off the teat of welfare? We should cut off aid to Israel and let it stand on its own two feet. We must not let it drag us into another war in the Middle East costing us another trillion dollars. If they want to start a war, let them fight it on their own.

Iran isn't just shouting "Death to Israel". It is shouting "Death to America" even louder. Israel is the only one of the two countries with a leader willing and able to take Iran out. And, they should do it.


New member
There is no way that the West can avoid being dragged into a major war
in the Middle East, where half the world's oil reserves sit.

Obama is a bonehead.
The Iranian leaders are liars and killers.
Israel hasn't enough buffer zone to fight alone against the whole Middle East.
Turkey is treacherous, the Saudis can't buy off the Iranians,
and most Middle Eastern muslims are fanatical blockheads waiting for a world jihad.

95% of the women in Egypt, Libya and Sudan have had their clitorises cut off.
The muslims in Africa are brutal insane murdering packs of criminals.

The Arabs, Iraqis and Iranians want to keep blacks as slaves,
while the Syrians and Lebanese can't decide whether they hate the Jews
more than other muslims.

Its a scarey world which will get scarier really fast when the lunatics get the bomb.


[Netanyahu tells Steve Forbes the prospect for “worst kind of war” with Iran is growing because of nuclear deal. Polls show 47% of Israelis now support a unilateral strike. By Joel Rosenberg] "Netanyahu tells Steve Forbes the prospect for “worst kind of war” with Iran is growing because of nuclear deal. Polls show 47% of Israelis now support a unilateral strike. Central Israel] "Are Israeli leaders actively considering preemptive military strikes to neutralize Iran’s nuclear threat, now that the world powers have struck a deal that gives Iran nearly everything it wants and puts Tehran on a legal pathway to The Bomb?

I was asked this last night during an interview on an American radio program. The host knew that I had once worked for Netanyahu, and that I stay in touch with his team and other Israeli national security experts. He also knew that I had written a series of political thrillers several years ago — The Twelfth Imam, The Tehran Initiative and Damascus Countdown — that imagined what might happen if an Israeli prime minister ordered such an attack, despite pressure from an American president not to do so.

Here are some thoughts.

1.First, let me be clear: I have no inside knowledge of what Israeli leaders are preparing to do. I haven’t spoken to Mr. Netanyahu in quite some time. Indeed, having just returned to Israel on Tuesday, I haven’t been in contact with any Israeli officials yet so I’m only sharing my own personal thoughts and observations.

2.Israel has used surprise military force twice to neutralize foreign nuclear programs. In 1981, the Israeli Air Force attacked and destroyed Iraq’s nuclear facilities. Then in 2007, the Israelis attacked and destroyed a Syrian nuclear facility being built with the help of the North Koreans. An attack on Iran’s facilities would be far more complex, and the possible retaliatory blowback could be horrendous. But yet, the Israelis certainly have the capability to do what they need to do, and they’ve been preparing for years for that moment. Given Israel’s historic track record, it is possible Israeli leaders will come to the point of feeling they have no choice but to launch attacks on Iran.

3.I am certain Israel’s leaders want to find every possible avenue short of war. They certainly would like to see Congress derail this dangerous — indeed, insane — nuclear deal that gives Iran everything they want and more. This will be the first focus. The Israelis could also potentially use covert means to sabotage or slow down Iran’s pursuit of The Bomb. Meanwhile, the Israelis are quietly working with the Saudis and others Sunni Arab states to figure out ways to neutralize the Iran threat short of war, if at all possible.

4.That said, support for war is rising here. The latest polls indicate that 74% of Israelis say this deal won’t stop Iran from getting The Bomb, and 47% of Israelis now support unilateral strikes against Iran, if need be, while only 35% oppose such strikes.

5.What’s more, Prime Minister Netanyahu gave an interview to my old boss, Steve Forbes, indicating that the prospect of war — including a “nuclear war” — has just become much more likely because of this deal. You will find the full text of the interview (and a link to the video) below. I would encourage you to read it and study it carefully. Please be praying for peace, praying for wisdom for Israeli and other regional leaders, pray for Congressional leaders to do the right thing, and keep praying for President Obama and his team, as well, that their hearts and actions might be dramatically changed and soon.

Here is the interview in full — or watch it here..." Full text: Netanyahu tells Steve Forbes the prospect for “worst kind of war” with Iran is growing because of nuclear deal. Polls show 47% of Israelis now support a unilateral strike.

Also see:

Sunni Arab leaders aghast at Iran deal. Saudis publicly blast it as “worse than the U.S. deal with North Korea” & warn deal will “wreak havoc in the Middle East.”

Iran’s president goes on TV to tell his nation Iran got everything it wanted from nuclear deal and much more.

Putin orders formation of new military reserve force

US Navy prepared to ramp up Pacific presence to deter China Mt 24:6


Russia's Putin signs anti-U.S. adoption bill
As long as folks deliberately limit their options and their imagination by believing there are two and only two responses to conflict (Giving in or fighting back) they will continue to inhabit a moral universe that Jesus of Nazareth was never a part of.

As a nation we ourselves have come to believe that Violence Saves. Scapegoating, revenge and violence are seen as redemptive--even among many traditional Christians!

Jesus' authentic teachings and the history of the world tell us a different story.

Thank God!


Well-known member
Nuclear threats such as the ones imagined regarding Iran right now are easily traceable. The technology to view such facilities and observe the level of work being performed in their facilities, using specific scanning techniques will allow Israel to prevent Iran from ever having nuclear bomb capabilities.


New member
Aren't all of you conservatives against those who suck off the teat of welfare? We should cut off aid to Israel and let it stand on its own two feet. We must not let it drag us into another war in the Middle East costing us another trillion dollars. If they want to start a war, let them fight it on their own.

so you advocate bullying..

The WH gave away t he store


New member
Aren't all of you conservatives against those who suck off the teat of welfare? We should cut off aid to Israel and let it stand on its own two feet. We must not let it drag us into another war in the Middle East costing us another trillion dollars. If they want to start a war, let them fight it on their own.



How the U.S. Would Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Program
April 3, 2015

The U.S. military has been getting ready to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities to smithereens even longer than Secretary of State John Kerry has been trying to negotiate them away. And while Thursday’s “framework” between Tehran and the U.S. and five other nations could lead to a peaceful accord this summer, the Pentagon is ready if it doesn’t.

Iran has been conducting much of its suspected nuclear-weapons work for years in underground labs and research facilities thought to be able to survive attacks by earlier generations of U.S. military bunker-busters.

So the Defense Department has spent just as much time procuring a bigger punch.

“In October 2014, the Air Force successfully completed one weapon drop from the B-2 aircraft on a representative target,” the Pentagon’s top weapons-tester reported in January. “The test, conducted at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, demonstrated weapon behavior after planned enhancements were incorporated.”

In late 2009, the Air Force quietly circulated a solicitation seeking a “Quick Reaction Capability” to “defeat a specific set of Hard and/or Deeply Buried Targets.” The weapon, the service said, would “maximize effects against Hard and/or Deeply Buried Targets (HDBTs), while minimizing time over target.” The Air Force said it needed the weapon to meet “Urgent Operational Needs requirements”—generally a plea from a battlefield commander who doesn’t think he has the weapons he needs to accomplish a mission assigned to him.

“The system will hold at risk those highest priority assets essential to the enemy’s war-fighting ability, which are heavily defended and protected,” the Air Force elaborated in February 2011 budget documents, “providing a critical global strike capability not currently met by inventory conventional weapons.”

The $15 million GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator weighs in at about 30,000 pounds, six times the heft of the existing GBU-28 bunker busters and nearly five tons heavier than the 22,600-pound GBU-43, once known as the “mother of all bombs.” The Pentagon has spent more than $300 million for 20 of GBU-57s.

Guided to its destination by GPS-guided lattice-type fins, the GBU-57’s alloy steel hull—some 80% of its weight—is designed to remain intact as it drills through rock or reinforced concrete before setting off its 5,300-pound warhead. Air Force officials have said it represents a “bridge” capability between existing bunker busters and nuclear weapons themselves.
1. Netanyahu is promoting what he believes to be in Israel's best interests - not America's.

2. After the Israelis bombed Iraq's nuclear facilities, the Iranians decided to "bury" theirs deep underground.

3 The US possesses the only weapon capable of penetrating to the depths of the Iranian facilities.

4. Even if Israel had a 30,000 pound "bunker buster," she doesn't have a plane capable of delivering it on target.


New member
Anxious to start one, no less.

Yep. Bibi is just biding his time to start a major war. I'm glad I won't be drafted because I'm not going overseas to fight someone that can't reach me to defend a country that launches the first strike. Let John Hagee and Linsey Graham go over in the desert and fight.