Nazarites and the Sanhedrin:


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When it comes to being foolish, there is nothing that will equal the ignorance of today’s religious fools!! – To these fools today, if one is Christian, then he is equal to all other Christians in the Gospel! – NOT SOO!! --- Under the Old Law, a difference was established by the Word of God that was NOT PART OF THE LAW CONTAINED IN ORDANCES!! – Can any of you fools not HEAR ME!! --- “THE NAZARITES, AND THE SANHEDRIN”, were a higher / “HIGHER ORDER”, BY AN “ORDANCE” NOT BY LAW!!! ---( READ IT )-!!!!! -- All that ended around AD70 by the “Romans”, by their attack on Judea, Jerusalem and the Temple, but NOT IN THE MIND OF Christ and God!! – If one has the “MIND” of Christ today, he is either, just one of the members of the Church or the Body of Christ, or of the higher order which now is called by GOD AND CHRIST, “ANGEL”. – DO ANY OF YOU NOT HEAR ME!!! --- NO! - “NO” YOU DON’T!!! – YOU GENIUSES AND “SCHOLARS”, ARE SMARTER, OR HIGHER THAN THE REST OF YOUR BROTHER FOOLS!!! ----- THANK CHRIST THERE’S A HELL!!!!!

Today, the order of Christian, is HEARERS AND “TEACHERS”. Hearers, hearer and learn from those who are “APT” to TEACH!!!! – It is the “ANGEL” now, who has the “APTITUDE” TO TEACH. - It’s the “ANGEL” who receives the Truth to teach, to the hearers. He is “GABRIEL”, or Prophet!! ----- Today with all the phony christians and false prophets of some god, calling himself Christ; - Gabriel is no longer present to teach the Gospel of Christ to any FOOL!! – Michael is not here to teach anything including the GOSPEL to FOOLS, but Michael is present to JUDGE ALL FOOLS / YOUR COUNTRY AND WORLD!!! – 1 Corinthians 2:15 KJV -
Nazarites and the Sanhedrin were “HIGHER” than the natural Jew in Knowledge, therefore higher in the Supremacy with God. Higher than the man, being not man, but Prophets or Angels, as we are suppose to know it today, but the fools think that Angel refers to only some total spirit-being that is nothing but Heavenly, YOU FOOLISH UNLEARNED, AND LIARS OF YOUR FATHER!!!! – Thank God there’s a Hell!!

Nazarites and the Sanhedrin WERE OF OLD, and now the same thing is called “ANGEL”, and you fools speak as though the “Nazarite” / ANGEL cannot walk among you fools as / “AS” MEN, BUT NOT MEN!! – You deny the very WORD; you fools say you LOVE THE TRUTH!! – Hebrews 13 :2 KJV --- You foolish know-it-alls can’t possibly believe that WORD ALSO! – CHRIST TRIED TO TEACH IT TO YOU BY ONE OF THE SANHEDRINS / ANGELS / MICHAEL / “PAUL”, bur it falls on DEAF EARS, therefore YOU ARE JUDGED!

Samson, and Jesus were “NAZARITES”, AMONG MANY OTHERS. -- Jesus and ALL his disciples and Apostles WERE - “PHARISEES”. - To most of you Geniuses the Pharisees were the evil among men. – You idiot / FOOL! – Jesus, and every Christian and Angel of Christ ARE PHARISEES, NOT “SADDUCEES”!!!!

I AM a Pharisee, - the Pharisee of Pharisees of now, and all of you are truly “SADDUCEES”. ---- And none of you “GENIUSES” can prove me wrong!!!!

Paul – 120911