Nat'l Rifle & Nat'l RTL

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Nat'l Rifle & Nat'l RTL

This is the show from Thursday February 19th, 2009.


* Nat'l Rifle & Nat'l RTL: Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt helps compare the National Rifle Association with National Right To Life (NRA with NRTL). GOA is to the defense of the God-given right to bear arms as American RTL is to the right of children to bear arms (forearms that is). And Larry warned us about the dangerous HR45, the Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009.

* From the Floor of the Merc: CNBC's Rick Santelli on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange trading floor emceed a virtual revolt from the futures traders against Obama spending like a drunken democrat through his destructive stimulus fiasco. Santelli points out that the government is rewarding those who don't pay their mortgage, and if spending a trillion will bring in $1.5 trillion, then why not spend a trillion a day! (By the way, for those who joined Bob on his Bible Tour of Turkey, does this bring back memories? We enjoyed a great tour of the Merc prior to flying out of O'Hare for Istanbul!)

* On Christian TV Last Night: co-hosts gave advice to parents saying they should teach their teenagers to wait until marriage; but then they added, "We have to be realistic, and tell our kids about birth control." Yikes! The ENTIRE Christian homeschool movement would collectively GAG at that ungodly advice. Kids meet the expectations put on them. If you tell your 14-year-old daughter, "Honey, we don't want you sleeping with your boyfriend, but just in case, here's a package of condoms," first, you're a bad parent. Second, you're setting your daughter up to fail. And third, you're telling her what you think of her; that she has no self-respect and no self control. Of course you would be setting her up to fail. Do right and risk the consequences!

* Our BEL NY Times Circulation Project: has been underway for two months. And now their stock price has dropped lower than the price of their Sunday paper! We announced our BEL Times Circulation project when their circulation hit 1,000,600! We've been urging our audience to play a role in the downfall of the Old Gray Lady, by getting friends and coffee shops to cancel their Times subscription to drag them under one million subscriptions, under that psychological threshold. Since we've announced our project, they've sold floors in their prestigious Manhattan headquarters building, and now their stock price has dropped lower than the price of a single Sunday newspaper! Bob owns the domain name, so if a volunteer out there would like to create a webpage to encourage the death of the pro-abortion anti-Christian bigoted Gray Lady, just let us know! Thanks!

* Democrats Admit Abortion is Murder: An Oklahoma City police officer pulled over a motorist Chip Harrison, for his anti-Obama sign that read "Abort Obama Not the Unborn" on his vehicle. The police confiscated his sign and called the Secret Service. The cacophony of liberal outrage against this pro-lifer shows Harrison's brilliance in that he has baited thousands of Democrats to admit that even in their own minds, abortion equals murder! Good job Chip Harrison.

* The View on Killing Animals and Kids: Hear Whoopi, Joy, Elisabeth, and Sherri Shepherd (who admits guilt over her abortions) contrast killing animals versus killing children.

* 87% of BEL February Telethon: Help Bob Enyart continue to present news from a biblical perspective and broadcast the truth of God's Word to thousands and thousands of people hungry to know Jesus Christ and His principles. The KGOV staff is thankful that so far, our listeners have given 87% of our $20,000 goal to keep Bob broadcasting through 2009! Please give online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart! Please help!

Today's Resource: For our February BEL Broadcast Telethon, save $20 on any two Bible Study albums for a gift of $50 (normally $69.98) and save more than $50 on any four BEL resources (including The Plot, etc.) for a gift of $100 to help Bob Enyart stay on the air for another year! You can browse our online KGOV Store to select the titles you are most interested in, and then please call 1-800-8Enyart to order, or send a check to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001. Also get the second month FREE if you sign up for any of our Subscription Services (like our BEL Televised Classics), and SAVE up to $150 if you mention the telethon to get 10% off our Enyart Library (one of everything!), the BEL Audio Library, or the BEL Video Library!
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