National School Boards Association eats rotten leftist crow


Well-known member
Americans have had just about enough of the leftist Garland crap labeling any parent that disagrees with transgenderism and racism against whites a terrorist.

The National School Boards Association reversed course on Friday and apologized for their controversial letter calling on President Joe Biden to have parents investigated as "domestic terrorists."

The letter from the NSBA claimed that school board members were under "immediate threat" of violence by protesting parents and was immediately assailed by critics as government overreach and intimidation.

On Friday, the NSBA apologized.


Well-known member
Americans have had just about enough of the leftist Garland crap labeling any parent that disagrees with transgenderism and racism against whites a terrorist.

The National School Boards Association reversed course on Friday and apologized for their controversial letter calling on President Joe Biden to have parents investigated as "domestic terrorists."

The letter from the NSBA claimed that school board members were under "immediate threat" of violence by protesting parents and was immediately assailed by critics as government overreach and intimidation.

On Friday, the NSBA apologized.
Even democrats are now comparing the AG Garland democrat loyalist to Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heroes. Garland is weaponizing every law enforcement agency in the country to spy on parents who express disapproval of homosexual rapes in schools and enforced propagation of back hatred of whites in the racist leftist CRT indoctrination. Garland has set up snitch lines for kids and neighbors to turn in parents who dare disagree with damaging leftist policies in schools. It is time to boot the jack-booted democrat fascist from office.

It’s time for Attorney General Merrick Garland to retract his memo siccing the FBI onto moms and dads.

Now that the National School Boards Association has recanted the scurrilous letter which he admitted was the sole basis for his decision to treat parents like domestic terrorists, he must call off the dogs.

He must recall the DOJ’s powerful counterterror arm, the National Security Division, from its new role of spying on parents exercising their First Amendment rights at school board meetings.

In his woeful impersonation of Sgt. Schultz in a House Judiciary Committee hearing last Thursday, Garland vowed that FBI agents will not be attending local school board meetings.

But according to one northern Virginia mom, the feds showed up in force that very night to spy on a group of 25 parents and grandparents who were protesting outside a Fairfax County school board meeting.

“We had several unmarked federal government vehicles there watching us, and we had DHS [Department of Homeland Security] in marked vehicles and we had a helicopter overhead [which] circled for about 30 minutes and were shining their spotlight down on us,” Stacy Langton told WMAL radio Friday, after posting a photograph of the vehicles on social media.