National Right To Life on BEL

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National Right To Life on BEL

This is the show from Monday October 6th, 2008.


[National Right To Life has] been promoting child killing Republicans for decades and they want you to be lied to
and deceived to give your money and your vote to Republican child killers. And as long as Christians do that, we
are complicitous in the killing of unborn children. We might have fun playing democracy for a few months in the
fall every 4 years but it is a great tragedy. And we have to have the courage not to be sucked into this deception.
We have to stand up and say, "You know what? I don't care if my friends get mad at me, I don't care if my pastor
gets mad at me. I am not going to support an unrepentant child killer. I don't care if he has an (R) after his name."

We need to increase the social tension over child killing. And that means for the Republicans, not for Planned
Parenthood, they couldn't care less. Increase the social tension over child killing for the Republicans like John McCain.
Make him miserable that abortion is legal in America because maybe that's why he loses the election.

The issue isn't whether a Republican or a Democrat wins. The issue is whether you and I will obey God. I might
be ignorant but I will not be disobedient. I'm not going to support a murderer and think that my hands are clean. I'm
not going to do it. It's wrong. And the more we do it, it backfires. And the Body of Christ becomes increasingly
immoral and the Republican party increasingly liberal. How do you distinguish the Republican party from the
Democrat pary of 30 years ago? How do you do it? There are no moral anchors out there in the Republican
party in national politics. There are no moral anchors. So eventually you become the liberal, you become the
Democrat, you become the enemy of America, you become the enemy of what's good and right. And you not only
defend voting for these evil people, you start defending what they're doing. You even start defending what they're


* Bob Debates National RTL's Political Director: Brian Johnston of NRTL and Bob Enyart conclude their debate on the Republican presidential candidate who authorizes, supports, and funds killing countless innocent children. Bob argues that a Christian should never vote to put a child killer into a position of authority.

* Post Show Update: Fireproof continues to storm the box office earning over $13 million in only 12 days of release, remaining in the top ten current films, and has already earned a spot grossing within the top ten all time Christian films. Listen as Erin Bethea talks to Bob about her role as Catherine Holt, wife of Kirk Cameron's character, Caleb.

* Focus II: An organization at the domain name "" doesn't want you to see the groundbreaking DVD, Focus on the Strategy II. You may want to check it out anyway!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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