National collapse is beckoning to us

Gary K

New member
Why is this true? Because everything is a lie rather than the truth.

That is what the Marxists who control the Democrat Party wants - Total collapse. They will then build their new Marxist state on the debris. And every Democrat voters is making is happen

Gary K

New member
That is what the Marxists who control the Democrat Party wants - Total collapse. They will then build their new Marxist state on the debris. And every Democrat voters is making is happen
It's also the Republicans too. The majority of Republican leadership is just as corrupt as the marxists are. McConnell? Sold out to China decades ago. Romney? Corrupt from top to bottom. Ryan? Same with him. Christie? I see no defense for him. The Bushes? Gone with the dodo bird. I can keep on naming names. Only a very few even have the appearance of honesty.
It's also the Republicans too.

Sorry but If you are selling "moral equivalency" between the socialist abortionist Marxist Democrats and the GOP, I am not buying it.

Yes, the GOP has some corruption and bad eggs, as does every institution ever created by man. But they are saints and angels compared to the Marxist Democrats.


Gary K

New member
Sorry but If you are selling "moral equivalency" between the socialist abortionist Marxist Democrats and the GOP, I am not buying it.

Yes, the GOP has some corruption and bad eggs, as does every institution ever created by man. But they are saints and angels compared to the Marxist Democrats.

A few bad eggs? McConnell has been pushing pro China legislation for decades. He is also married into the CCP as his wife's family is high up in the CCP. Just how is that just a meaningless fact? His fellow Republicans have known what he has been doing all along and the majority have kept him in a leadership role all these decades. And you find that a meaningless fact? How about Ryan? He was Speaker of the House and voted into that position by a large majority of Republicans in the House. Were all those Republicans who voted him into power again and again completely ignorant of who he is? Not possible. Were there only a "few bad eggs" who put Romney at the head of the Republican party when they supported the Romney-Ryan ticket for President? Again, not possible.

I can demonstrate these things again and again. Why did the Republicans oppose Trump when he said he was going to clean up the swamp? Because the vast majority were NOT members of the swamp? Not possible.