name one thing you like/dislike about ea candidate


New member

name one thing you like/dislike about ea candidate

I'm not even going to mention T b/c he gets enough attn. as it is

Carson (he gets too much also but here goes)

like: intelligent, thoughtful, seems caring

dislike: 7th Day Adventist (technically a cult).. also many SDAs don't like Catholics (and members of other religions)


like: intelligent, wise, good Christian

dislike: not much to dislike, really


dislike: not anything to dislike that I know of

like: speaks the truth others don't want to speak :)
chose Christianity (wasn't born into it)
honest, hardworking
got Planned Barrenhead out of Lousiana
cut governemtn 26% in LA


dislike: nada

like: stood up against Obamacare... pretty much ALONE
filibustered it
:) When R leadership wanted to do something dishonest and against the People, Cruz said "There's no universe in which I would do that" :)


like: (wow... I actually thought of something!) she probably has never slept with anyone but Bill... any male anyhow... :shocked:

dislike: just about everything.. especially how she has a peculiar aversion to anything that smacks of .. truth



New member
Like: More non-Margaret Thatcher women in politics is a good thing.
Dislike: She's a corporatist DINO toady who changes her tune every time she reads poll results, and by this point is just trying to play liberal-piggyback on issues for which she's always voted conservative.

Like: Too much to list, but primarily that he's mobilizing a cross-section of the voting-age citizenry who have been disillusioned with the government for nearly a decade.
Dislike: ...he hasn't had a rally in my state yet, and my fellow Bible Belt liberals and I are gettin' antsy!


New member
Like: More non-Margaret Thatcher women in politics is a good thing.
Dislike: She's a corporatist DINO toady who changes her tune every time she reads poll results, and by this point is just trying to play liberal-piggyback on issues for which she's always voted conservative.

Like: Too much to list, but primarily that he's mobilizing a cross-section of the voting-age citizenry who have been disillusioned with the government for nearly a decade.
Dislike: ...he hasn't had a rally in my state yet, and my fellow Bible Belt liberals and I are gettin' antsy!

That's one thing about being in NH. You can see whichever candidates you want as many times as you can stomach.

I've seen Bernie twice. And Hillary once. And O'Malley once.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
likes: conservative values
dislikes: he lost

likes: very pretty for a man
dislikes: he won, liberal, lisps like a fag

likes: he lost
dislikes: smarmy lawyer type


New member
Like: More non-Margaret Thatcher women in politics is a good thing.
Dislike: She's a corporatist DINO toady who changes her tune every time she reads poll results, and by this point is just trying to play liberal-piggyback on issues for which she's always voted conservative.

Like: Too much to list, but primarily that he's mobilizing a cross-section of the voting-age citizenry who have been disillusioned with the government for nearly a decade.
Dislike: ...he hasn't had a rally in my state yet, and my fellow Bible Belt liberals and I are gettin' antsy!

it's easy to be a socialist when you are rich and in power

and if thi country every goes socialist... it will be like all other socialist countries: certain people are still rich while most are not

I like capitalism:

"A rising tide lifts all boats"

(not a R quote, by the way)



New member
I hear Carson really is against abortion.. even in the case of rape or incest... ?? not sure

but he said he would like to get rid of Roe v Wade

Dred Scott was overturned.

now it is time to get rid of something worse.. Roe v W

Oh horrors, say the Liebarrels who cry Racist at every turn!!!!!!

you can't be sayng (thye say) that abortion is worse than slavery!!

But yeh, it is worse...

most slaves were not killed, if you will recall
