NAACP, Desperate For Attention, Jumping The Shark

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Another silly negro frets and fusses over that evil racist Ron DeSantis!

As evidence of DeSantis’s supposed hostility toward black people, (CBS correspondent) Strassmann noted “He's blocked public high schools from offering an African Americans studies AP course, barred all grades from teaching about … critical race theory.”

Of course, Strassmann failed to admit that the AP course was later approved after a book pushing critical race theory was swapped out with a different book. And wasn’t CRT never taught in schools, to begin with, according to the liberal media?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Babylon Bee, getting ahead of the curve:


has chosen America as the stage for his political comeback. In a bizarre press conference held on Twitter Spaces where he was interviewed by Elon Musk, Hitler unveiled his new presidential campaign slogan: "Make America Nazi Again."
Hitler explained that his platform is simple authoritarianism, xenophobia, and an extreme disregard for human rights. His proposed policies include suppressing free speech, implementing mass surveillance, and establishing concentration camps for political opponents.

"I'll tell you what, I've about had it with this woke agenda," he said in the announcement, in classic Hitler-like fashion.

Political analysts have been left dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend how literally Hitler was back and in the flesh running for office in America. Despite the confusion and lack of support, the Hitler campaign vowed to press on, stopping at nothing to restore the Third Reich.

At publishing time, Adolf Hitler closed his announcement speech by promising that as President the first things he'd do are: exterminate all undesirables, grow an iconic mustache, and invade Disney.