My thoughts RE entitlements for "poor"


New member
well, I don't like entitlements. If I did, I would be a lib

But I wonder what we should do about them? What would happen if we got rid of all of them: low income housing vouchers, food stamps, etc.

Maybe people would care for their families more

After all, they could not say to them "Get out of here! You can live on your own.."

Well, they could, and some families undoubtedly WOULD say that. The Bible has something to say about this: The person who does not take care of his own is worse than an infidel

an unbeliever.. Wow, is there anything worse in the Bible than an unbeliever? They used to be called Gentiles, but of course, now the Gentiles are believers..

anyway, families should care for one another more and then ther wouldn't be a need for entitlements... except for this one "minor" thing:

what about people who are disabled some way or another and have NO family... none?

here's one for you die hard conservatives (I am one of those myself but I will not go so far as to say there shouldn't be SOME way for... again, people to get out of the weather. You shouldn't have to have a job or lots of $$ just to have a simple roof over your head)

I think all the $$ now spent on entitlemnets should be reduced significantly and used to build simple (no amenities) shelters, a simple room for the homeless... something they can't get overly used to/comfortable with, but that will protect them from the weather (and other undesirable things).

Then eventually entitlemnets could be phased out entirely.. no new applicants..




New member
I don't believe in entitlements for anyone

people in Congress get too many perks

they are like spoiled children

I think their paychecks should be cut along w/ entitlemnets

and their freebies should not be free anymore..

Congress should attract people who are willing to SACRIFICE to be there.. When Reagan became gov of CA he deliberately went about hiring people who would take a CUT in pay to serv the government in his admin

many took him up on the offer... Some stayed in their lucrative businesses.. their choice.

I think Pres O chose his advisors based on how loony their ideas are... and how amoral they can be (hate cops, etc)



New member
i've gotten quite fond of gubmint cheese :)

when you look at gummit.. anything, you see something foul.. if you are open to a better, more American way of looking @ things

again, we are just too used to the way things are... whether the way things are is the right way or not... we don't seem to care anymore... which is scary b/c the older was (b4 FDR) was better. True, we need to work more on making the economy work for everyone, but that can be done w/o gummit... and as is always the case COULD be done far far better than gummit does..


The Berean

Well-known member
hey - i'm poor

don't you dare take away my entitlements! :sibbie:

Negro, please! Here have some government cheese and food stamps!




Well-known member
"Entitlements" was a clever word that the wealthy elite and their minions in politics pasted onto public aid, to get us to hate and blame the poor for an economic destruction that they had no hand in. And these elites are still working hard at keeping our anger and frustration with the excessive economic disparity that they are causing focussed on the poor, and on the false blame they have been spewing about the poor for over 30 years, now.

The truth is that the very rich are getting very much richer at the expense of everyone else. And they're doing it by using their vast economic resources to buy government and enact policies and laws that enable them to rig the system even further in their favor. And as they do so, the rest of us are paying the price.

These wealthy elites need to keep us distracted from what they're doing to us. And they need us to blame someone other than them for the hardship that we experience as a result of their excessive greed. So they have been presenting us with the specter of this imaginary horde of welfare cheats, and ne'er-do-wells, and lay-abouts, who are perfectly able-bodied but don't want to work, and who they claim expect the rest of us to provide for them.

This criminal horde does not exist. They are a deliberate "boogeyman" created and paraded before us ad-nauseum by the wealthy elite and their political and media minions, who really have entitled themselves, at our expense.

But you guys love to hate this boogeyman so much that no matter how many facts you are presented with, showing that it is a fiction, you refuse to stop believing in it, and hating on it. And so long as you continue in this absurd obsession, the people who really are robbing you blind will continue to get away with it.

So go ahead and hate on. Hate yourselves right into poverty and servitude. Because the real "entitled class" have no limits to their greed. And they have no concern for your well-being. They will be happy to take from you everything you are stupid enough to let them take while you're busy hating on those who already have nothing.


New member
"Entitlements" was a clever word that the wealthy elite and their minions in politics pasted onto public aid, to get us to hate and blame the poor for things that they had no hand in..

this is so EXTREMIST

I will allow that the rich don't like the poor.. much

some more than others.. I heard that Miley Cyrus was (of all people) involved w/ helping the homeless. I wonder if she has built any shelters lately? don't know to what extent but she is helping

in any case... the only thing this part of your post is right about is how SOME rich probably want to shove the poor off to the margins and forget about them... Well, some poor people do that also... and middle class. You are prejudiced against a group of people, namely the rich.

just b/c people have a lot of money doesn't mean they should be FORCED to fork it over to the can'tRunAnythingRight&Way2Leftie


what about American principles? what about having rights b4 your property is stolen?

are you an anti-American person?
