my idea to help the homeless without raising taxes


New member
find it interesting that there are ANY homeless people in this country @ all, people living on the streets or in cars or abandoned buildings... Why can't there be a BASIC structure built for them... a coin-operated "cell" for lack of a better word... you know, just small rooms that cost, say $2 a night, a small window... not lavish so no one gets too used to living like that, but a way to get out of the weather, and whoever runs the thing could maybe even make a small amount of $$ on it.. The reason we dont have that is because hotel owners would have a cow... and they can afford lobbyists ... to trash such ideas... No one cares about the homeless...

a lot of homeless do not want to go to the shelters that are available b/c they are run by the very people they are trying to avoid... long story what i mean... and besides, it would be nice to give them privacy... Some people commit crimes just so they can be locked up in a "cell" like i have described.. really pathetic...




I just found this information at the following site:

Nicholas P. Cafardi | Aug. 10, 2012

COMMENTARY A few weeks ago, I publicly defended Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York against onslaughts from the left that accused him of paying off pedophile priests to leave the priesthood when he was the archbishop of Milwaukee. As I explained then, the archbishop was simply recognizing the rights to sustenance that a priest, good or bad, child abuser or not, has from the diocese according to the Code of Canon Law. We might not like it, but sustenance is the law of the church, and then-Archbishop Dolan was following the law.


Whoa... I really thought Dolan was a true Christian... Well, maybe he is ... I shouldn't say that, i guess... b/c i don't know whther or not he helps homeless people who come to his church

However, i DO know that some priests i have known in the past DO NOT HELP THE HOMELESS. In fact, i know of a situation in which this one priest actually made a homeless person's situation WORSE... with malice...

And here they are defnding "priests" who have molested children? They are advocating giving them "sustenance"?????!!!!!!!!!!!

but not homeless Catholics who obey Christ..

That makes me sick...

Again, i dont know if Dolan is one of those who would refuse help to a homeless, destitute person... All i know is that SOME Priests (so called) couldn't care less about the problems of the homeles... and yet will defend any priest, evne if he is evil... and i know of cases like this... defending evil priests... (not pedophiles... but just evil priests who have ditched Jesus...)



New member
figures no one would comment

any time someone has an actual idea to DO something about a problem...

"No, we have to stick to the status quo... Why? Uh... dunno... we just have to..."



New member
I don't think you can offer even the very most basic room with a bed for 2$ a night. I think taxes would be needed to accomplish what you're wanting to do. I don't have a problem with that, I'm just pointing out the reality.


New member
I don't think you can offer even the very most basic room with a bed for 2$ a night. I think taxes would be needed to accomplish what you're wanting to do. I don't have a problem with that, I'm just pointing out the reality.

i didn't say anything about a bed.. I am talking about a simple room.. a hardwood floor is better than sleeping scrunched up in some car... or worse, under a bridge... or out in the open anywhere... where those up to no good can harm the person... If they want a "bed" they can beg from their neighbors for a piece of foam rubber or something... I am speaking of BASIC needs being met, nothing more.. a place to get out of the weather, a place to be safe from the lawless... When a person buys a house, he doesn't expect a bed to come w/ it...

and it would NOT t ake more taxes... Again, we could take tax $ away from such DUMB projects as: watching shrimp on a treadmill...

bridges to nowhere...



New member
It's an interesting idea. Have you interacted with many homeless people? On the street, I mean.

yes, i have. I have seen others treat them like they are subhuman... seen this over and over.. I approach them and offer them food or whatever... I can't do much to help but i do what i can and that's all God expects



New member
They have such a room with a window even. It even has bars. Comes with 3 hot meals, blanket and matress(you hope). And many homeless purposely avail themselves of this free housing to get out of the weather. Some just want to be homeless though.


New member
They have such a room with a window even. It even has bars. Comes with 3 hot meals, blanket and matress(you hope). And many homeless purposely avail themselves of this free housing to get out of the weather. Some just want to be homeless though.

right. I gues its sorta like saying women "want" an abortion... women who face raising a child alone or the option of givng the child up to strangers, never to see him/her again.. yeh...

some homeless only "want" to be homeless b/c they prefer that over... being abused @ "home"... etc...



Well-known member
yes, i have. I have seen others treat them like they are subhuman... seen this over and over.. I approach them and offer them food or whatever... I can't do much to help but i do what i can and that's all God expects


That's good. Many, in New York at least, use the subway system for the purpose you described above.

For $2.50 you have a climate-controlled place to sit, for as long as you'd like.

I worry about how some people might use a coin-op bedroom. :think:


New member
That's good. Many, in New York at least, use the subway system for the purpose you described above.

For $2.50 you have a climate-controlled place to sit, for as long as you'd like.

I worry about how some people might use a coin-op bedroom. :think:

Yes we have one such place near where I was looking for a temporary place while waiting for xyz to happen. $45 a night or hour.


New member
right. I gues its sorta like saying women "want" an abortion... women who face raising a child alone or the option of givng the child up to strangers, never to see him/her again.. yeh...

some homeless only "want" to be homeless b/c they prefer that over... being abused @ "home"... etc...


Oh there are plenty of women that do want abortions and brag about them. And there are plenty of homeless that like being homeless and have no desire to fix it even if helped.


New member
Oh there are plenty of women that do want abortions and brag about them. And there are plenty of homeless that like being homeless and have no desire to fix it even if helped.

show me proof of either one

admittedly, there are psycho [insert word for female dog here] women who couldn't care less about murdering their children... Andrea Yates Syndrome... ?

and there are those like certain aspects of being homeless...

But no one WANTS either one. I mean, if nothing else, the psycho "women" are "inconvenienced" by having to go the abortuary... and having to undergo what is STILL an unsafe and dangerous procedure.. (women die from legal abortions... and become sterilized by them)

get freaking real....

if you don't want to be homeless, & go through whatever it takes not to be... it's a safe bet no one else wants to be either..



New member
That's good. Many, in New York at least, use the subway system for the purpose you described above.

For $2.50 you have a climate-controlled place to sit, for as long as you'd like.

I worry about how some people might use a coin-op bedroom. :think:

it doesn't matter. Tehy have to answer to God some day... You use your home for sin also... (I know b/c all of us are sinners... hope you don't sin egregiously in said home... but most people even sin egregiously...)
