My Brothers, Your Brothers:


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My Brothers are all those who have been from the beginning with God; the beginning of the Light or the first day of the creation. – We have no beginning as you call a beginning, nor ending. --- “:In the beginning was the Word” --- That doesn’t mean that the Word ever began, because God who was the Word always was, even before the beginning as you know it.
God, and the Spirit of Paul began at the same time if there is a beginning of eternity!! - Jesus Christ; - “who He is”; began the same time as eternity began, if it ever began. I use the word “Time” for understanding only.- There is no “time” in Christ or God or who Paul was in the Spirit, only eternity, no beginning or end. However, in time we all had our beginning when the creation began, but the creation has always been in the mind of the Father as was all Spirits of the Father, who are now the Angels.

The Body of Christ is now Spirit, made up of all the Spirits of the Father, and are all the Spirits of all the Angels, and together are the Holy Ghost you reject being the Spirit of the Body of Christ. --- If Christ is in one, that doesn’t mean that the earthly body is no more, but it is a dwelling PLACE for a Spirit of the Body of Christ in the enlarged mind or the Soul of the man made perfect.

All things of Christ and God are now after the order of Melchisedec; ( ALL THINGS ), ordained to be not just a thought of doctrine to be studied, but the Kingdom of Heaven.

Angel is just Spirit sent. – the whole host are one, and the One is Christ / God come. – If you have seen me, you’ve seen the Spirit sent, but you cannot see me, for I am only in darkness to give light that none can see. – Therefore, you all are judged!! --- 1 Corinthians 2:15 KJV – “He that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man”. ----- How many are spoken of there, and is that suppose to be the Truth!! – God didn’t say, “Them”, “They”, or “Many”, but “HE”, as in: ---- Revelation 14:18-19 KJV - And another Angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to “HIM” that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in THY SHARP SICKLE, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. 19- And “THE ANGEL” thrust in HIS sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God”. ----- God didn’t say “Them”, They” or Many Angels, or Christ, but one Angel, and you know Him not, nor can you see Him.

I have shown you all, my Brothers in Christ and God, and we are all ONE, not MANY!!
You and your Brothers are of a total different god, and you are many divided, and you know not your own brother. You and your Brothers are of different houses, and they are all divided. The House of the Devil is divided into many different houses divided / Denominations.

There is nothing that you can find in the Scriptures of Christ that you can use to PROVE ME WRONG IN ANY OF THIS. – That’s called “TRUTH”!! --- The Books are open and the other Book is opened, which is the Book of Life / Christ’s Testimony. – I’m not judged out of it, however, you, your country, and your world ARE!!

Paul – 121611