Mueller witch hunt

Gary K

New member
This article should raise a lot of eyebrows amongst honest people.

[h=3]On Thursday, a federal judge raised doubts on Mueller’s scope as Manafort’s lawyers argued Rosenstein never gave the special counsel specific guidelines.[/h]Instead, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave Mueller permission to rove around, effectively creating a Soviet-style witch hunt of ‘show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.’
Manafort has been charged with crimes that date back to 2006 and have NOTHING TO DO with Russian collusion.
Mueller keeps the special counsel open even though there never was a crime to investigate and there never was collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians.

To read the rest of the article click on the following link:

The Barbarian

That excuse has been floated before, with no effect. And notice that when Mueller found likely crimes not related to his assignment, he referred them to another federal agency.

No one with any sense buys your story:

Majority say Mueller’s Russia probe is fair
A majority of Americans say special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is fair and should continue without interference, a Marist College poll reports.

The poll, released Friday, finds that just more than half of those surveyed, 53 percent, say that the special counsel probe is a "fair" investigation into Trump's campaign, while 28 percent say it is "unfair." This marks an increase from 48 percent who said the investigation was "fair" in the same poll last month.

In addition, respondents said they are more likely to trust Mueller than Trump. Given an option between the two, 55 percent said they would believe Mueller over Trump, compared to 30 percent that said the reverse.

Most Americans still have a positive view of the FBI despite weeks of attacks from Trump and congressional Republicans over the bureau's handling of both the Russia investigation and the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server, the poll finds.

Seventy-one percent of Americans said the bureau was just trying to do its job, compared to 23 percent who told the poll they believe the FBI is biased against the president.

Despite his growing unpopularity, 65 percent of Americans believe the special counsel should be allowed to continue his investigation. That number is a slight decrease from March when 69 percent said the same. Only 15 percent of those surveyed think Mueller should be fired.

The biggest swing in opinion comes from Republicans, 49 percent of which said they have a negative view of the special counsel. That represents a nearly 20 percent increase from March when 30 percent of Republicans surveyed were asked their opinion on Mueller.

While Mueller continues to investigate possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, a majority of Americans (55 percent) believe Russia is likely or very likely to interfere in the 2018 midterms. This is in sharp contrast to February when 53 percent said they thought Russian interference was not very likely or not likely at all.

The poll surveyed 1,011 adults April 10-13 and has an error margin of plus or minus 3.9 percent.

Tantrums against the special prosecutor seem to have been completely ineffective, except for a minority of republican loyalists.


Well-known member

Gary K

New member
I'm glad Manafort seems to have a very good attorney. Special Councils are know for their overreach, and this is just an example. Let's compare crimes.....Clinton vs. Manafort and see who has done the most damage to this country.

I agree.

I don't know if you're heard of the HRC/Huma Abadin rape tape that is said to have been dropped on the dark web. The woman I listened to on a video from the SGT Report speak of it could barely keep herself together just from having it described to her. I won't even say what was said to have allegedly been done by HRC and HA but it is beyond sick. It is pure evil If you're interested go to SGT Reports and search for #Pedovore. Be aware though that this is so sick that even if the tape becomes publicly available I don't think I'll watch it. It's that sick.


I agree.

I don't know if you're heard of the HRC/Huma Abadin rape tape that is said to have been dropped on the dark web. The woman I listened to on a video from the SGT Report speak of it could barely keep herself together just from having it described to her. I won't even say what was said to have allegedly been done by HRC and HA but it is beyond sick. It is pure evil If you're interested go to SGT Reports and search for #Pedovore. Be aware though that this is so sick that even if the tape becomes publicly available I don't think I'll watch it. It's that sick.

Ah well, you heard it on the "dark web". Must be true then.

Wanna buy a bridge?

The Barbarian

I'm glad Manafort seems to have a very good attorney. Special Councils are know for their overreach, and this is just an example. Let's compare crimes.....Clinton vs. Manafort and see who has done the most damage to this country.

Fortunately, we have laws to deal with that sort of thing. And they are functioning as they should. Yes, for political reasons, there are people who would like to see Manafort or Clinton in jail. But laws and evidence apply. Hence the difference in outcomes.

You can like it, or you can dislike it. But so long as the Constitution stands, that will be the difference.