Mueller has evidence Cohn in Prague in 2016, confirming another part of the dossier

The Barbarian


The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Michael Cohen secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

Back in January...

Not proven: Cohen worked as an intermediary between campaign and Russia.
Specific claims about Cohen, such as the allegation that he traveled to Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin associates, have not been substantiated. Cohen has repeatedly denied the claims and provided reporters with photos of his passport to show he had never traveled to meet with Russian officials.

One more part of the dossier turns out to be true. So far, none of it is proven false, although there are still a number of claims that are still unproven.

If the source is right, Michael Cohn is in serious trouble.

Gary K

New member
As always, barby is fake news. Just can't help yourself, can you barby. Just gotta fall for every lie about Trump that you hear.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's lawyer, was in California during the time he was said to have been Prague. This was verified by USC baseball people as Cohen's son is/was a member of the USC baseball team, and Cohen was in LA to visit his son. I would imagine that this is verified also by credit card reciepts, hotel receipts, etc.... Even Jake Tapper admits this is so according to his government contacts, and he is no friend of Donald Trump.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As always, barby is fake news. Just can't help yourself, can you barby. Just gotta fall for every lie about Trump that you hear.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's lawyer, was in California during the time he was said to have been Prague. This was verified by USC baseball people as Cohen's son is/was a member of the USC baseball team, and Cohen was in LA to visit his son. I would imagine that this is verified also by credit card reciepts, hotel receipts, etc.... Even Jake Tapper admits this is so according to his government contacts, and he is no friend of Donald Trump.

Yep, Barb is hoping with ALL his little mind, heart and imagination that they'll find something nefarious about Trump. Barb lives for nothing else. He can't say the nasty things he used to say about Trump because of the Moratorium and he's aching to find a way around that.

The Barbarian

That, in fact, is what McClatchy alleges: That its sources say Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany. A Czech publication reported shortly after the allegation was made that government intelligence officials in that country had no record of Cohen’s visiting. One source said that “if there was such a meeting, he didn’t arrive in the Czech Republic by plane.” McClatchy’s report doesn’t contradict that.

The day after Cohen’s tweet, Trump held a news conference.

“He brings his passport to my office,” the then president-elect said in response to a question. “I say, ‘Hey, wait a minute.’ He didn’t leave the country. He wasn’t out of the country. They had Michael Cohen of the Trump Organization was in Prague. It turned out to be a different Michael Cohen. It’s a disgrace what took place. It’s a disgrace and I think they ought to apologize to start with Michael Cohen.”

That part about the “different Michael Cohen” doesn’t seem to be true. Nor does the part about Cohen not having left the country.

The trick seems to be that Cohen wouldn't have to be on record as entering the Czech Republic, if he drove across the border from another EU nation.

The Barbarian

This is how Matt Drudge is covering the Mueller-Trump-Cohen-Prague news today
It’s always a good idea to check in on Matt Drudge to see what he’s thinking on the political events of the day. Here’s what he had to say on Friday, before the big news that broke Friday night on Mueller having Michael Cohen’s emails as well as allegedly having evidence that he was in Prague:

Gary K

New member

You're an idiot. The Drudge Report is, and always has been, nothing more than a news aggregator site. It just links to headlines from both sides of the political aisle. The left has always hated Drudge because it has the unmitigated gall, in the eyes of you marxists, to link to reports from both sides. That Drudge linked to the McClatchy headline isn't anything new, nor does it mean Drudge thinks it is real. It's simply a headline that creates clicks and thus creates income for the Drudge site. The McClatchy headline there is simply clickbait. That's all it is.

The Barbarian

Well, let's just sit back and wait. Either Cohen, Trump's "lawyer", is lying or his isn't. Sooner or later the truth will out.

Yep. Since the alt-right source linked by Grosnik hasn't been confirmed by anything else, I'm pretty skeptical of their story.

By now, if it was faked, you'd expect to see some noise coming down. But so far, nothing.

But it's possible. Let's see, in a few days, what comes out.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yep. Since the alt-right source linked by Grosnik hasn't been confirmed by anything else, I'm pretty skeptical of their story.

By now, if it was faked, you'd expect to see some noise coming down. But so far, nothing.

But it's possible. Let's see, in a few days, what comes out.

What 'link' are you talking about?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

You're an idiot. The Drudge Report is, and always has been, nothing more than a news aggregator site. It just links to headlines from both sides of the political aisle. The left has always hated Drudge because it has the unmitigated gall, in the eyes of you marxists, to link to reports from both sides. That Drudge linked to the McClatchy headline isn't anything new, nor does it mean Drudge thinks it is real. It's simply a headline that creates clicks and thus creates income for the Drudge site. The McClatchy headline there is simply clickbait. That's all it is.

Well, I must admit, Barb is a wee bit on the DERANGED side of the street going nowhere fast.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't trust ANYTHING Barb has to say. He likes to generalize, fabricate, and imagine a plethora of unfounded accusations.

The Barbarian

Here's the best advice for you, Grosnik:

Well, let's just sit back and wait. Either Cohen, Trump's "lawyer", is lying or his isn't. Sooner or later the truth will out.

Exclusive: Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen’s Alibi Blown– He Lied About July 2016 Capri Vacation with Rock Star Steve van Zandt
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen told BuzzFeed’s Anthony Cormier last year that in July 2016 he was in Capri, Italy with actor and musician Steve van Zandt and friends.

But I can tell you exclusively that Cohen lied. Sources tell me that Maureen van Zandt, Steve’s wife, has confirmed that even though she was in Rome with her husband at the time for work, they know nothing about Cohen or his statement. They weren’t in Capri.

Cormier wrote: Cohen, 50, said he understands the scrutiny this will bring. He said credit card receipts would prove he stayed in Capri, an island off the Italian coast, but he declined to make those receipts available. Cohen was with family and friends, he said, including the musician and actor Steve Van Zandt. Van Zandt did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

But it’s not true. It’s a total lie. The source confirms: “The E Street band did play in Rome July 16, 2016. But there was no trip to Capri. The band stayed in Rome a few days after the show until the band had to travel to the next gig. The van Zandts never left the city.”

The Barbarian

And now, Cohen's passport shows him in Europe at the right time:

The stamps indicate he traveled abroad at least four times in 2016: twice to London, once to St. Maarten, and once to Italy in July. The Italian trip is the most intriguing, because it places Cohen in what’s known as the Schengen Area: a group of 26 European countries, including the Czech Republic, that allows visitors to travel freely among them without getting any additional passport stamps.

Upon entering the Schengen Area, visitors get a rectangular stamp with the date, a country code, their port of entry, and a symbol showing how they entered — such as an airplane or a train. In Cohen’s passport, that mark appears on page 17, with a date of July 9. The mark is too faint to be fully legible. The exit stamp, similar but with rounded edges, is also light, but the letters “cino” are legible, indicating he flew out of Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport in Rome. That stamp is dated July 17.

The Barbarian

When your lawyers need lawyers, it’s usually a bad sign. When your lawyers have their offices and homes raided, it’s a really bad sign. News that federal investigators on Monday took the extraordinary step of executing a search warrant at the legal office of Michael Cohen ...

indicates that Cohen is suddenly in serious legal jeopardy of his own. And although the investigation is not directly related to the Mueller probe, it’s yet another example of the legal walls closing in ...

The FBI executed the search warrants at Cohen’s New York office and his home and hotel room. The warrants were obtained by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. According to a statement from Cohen’s attorney, prosecutors informed him their investigation is, “in part,” based on a referral from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

The first thing to note about this striking development is that the warrant was not obtained by Mueller himself. Whatever the subject matter of this particular investigation, it apparently falls outside of Mueller’s jurisdiction and thus resulted in his referral to the New York prosecutors. So we know the potential crimes that led to the search today do not directly relate to Mueller’s inquiry into any conspiracy with Russians to influence the election or related crimes such as obstruction of the special counsel’s investigation.

The Barbarian

Cohen reached out directly to Vladimir Putin’s press secretary in January 2016 to ask for the Kremlin’s help in a deal to erect a building in Moscow, emails published by the Washington Post and New York Times showed.

Cohen told the Wall Street Journal Monday that he didn’t inform Trump about the emailed appeal for help. According to Cohen, he told Trump that he was working on a licensing deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2015 and received Trump’s signature on a letter of intent for the project in October of that year. He also informed Trump when the project fell through in January, Cohen claimed.

He also told the Journal he didn’t remember hearing a response to his request from Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov.

It's hard to remember when dictators call. Just slips the mind...