<> Most Everything You believe...<>

True or False

Most everything they preach and teach
in all the Christian churches and bible and Christian sects
and on the Christian internet or bible forums is incorrect.

If you believe otherwise...

come let us prove it one way or the other.


Well-known member
Are you opposed to Christianity, or just some common theological positions within Christianity?

Everything is too large of a topic to reasonably discuss. If you actually want discussion, pick one or two major points to discuss (and put the major points in separate threads).

True or False

Are you opposed to Christianity, or just some common theological positions within Christianity?

Everything is too large of a topic to reasonably discuss. If you actually want discussion, pick one or two major points to discuss (and put the major points in separate threads).

Most everything they preach and teach
in all the Christian churches and bible and Christian sects
and on the Christian internet or bible forums is incorrect.

True or false?


Well-known member
Most everything they preach and teach
in all the Christian churches and bible and Christian sects
and on the Christian internet or bible forums is incorrect.

True or false?

I could say "false" - but based upon your conversation with Patrick you have no intentions of pursuing this intelligently. Suddenly you no longer want a true/false answer - now you demand proof. However, you don't feel the need to prove your position.

There are many errors taught in the churches, and those ideas are propagated on the internet and forums. As for whether "most" everything preached and taught is in error, I have no means of realistically acquiring a count of all the correct things taught versus the erroneous things taught. Even if you did have such a count handy, not all errors are equal - they may have some truth and just be slightly off. Other things maybe completely wrong and opposed to the truth.

A more useful question would be: do the errors outweigh the truth?

To that I would say false. The value of the truths of salvation, forgiveness, mercy, morality, justice, and love far outweigh errors that creep in - in so far as these truths are maintained. If the errors are great enough that they start to erode these truths, then we would have to question their legitimacy as Christian to begin with.

True or False

I could say "false" - but based upon your conversation with Patrick you have no intentions of pursuing this intelligently. Suddenly you no longer want a true/false answer - now you demand proof. However, you don't feel the need to prove your position.

There are many errors taught in the churches, and those ideas are propagated on the internet and forums. As for whether "most" everything preached and taught is in error, I have no means of realistically acquiring a count of all the correct things taught versus the erroneous things taught. Even if you did have such a count handy, not all errors are equal - they may have some truth and just be slightly off. Other things maybe completely wrong and opposed to the truth.

A more useful question would be: do the errors outweigh the truth?

To that I would say false. The value of the truths of salvation, forgiveness, mercy, morality, justice, and love far outweigh errors that creep in - in so far as these truths are maintained. If the errors are great enough that they start to erode these truths, then we would have to question their legitimacy as Christian to begin with.

You are the judge of what is posted upon this forum.

true or false?