Most annoying news anchors


New member
  • Anderson cooper (I guess it may have something to do with him being "gay"... but he would probably annoy me anyway... (??)

hmmm... hard to say... but anyhow..
  • Shep Smith... same thing as above...

+ anyone who laughs about things that are FAR from funny... that dumb-looking chick on one of those lib news shows no one watches... when talking about the Planned Barrenhead debacle...

I only "watched" it b/c I was in a public place and there was no FOX

waaahhhhhhhhhhhh! :(



New member
Geraldo (sometimes)

sometimes he is OK but when he gets on his lib soapbox..


Get OUTA here already!!!!!!!!!



New member
  • Anderson cooper (I guess it may have something to do with him being "gay"... but he would probably annoy me anyway... (??)

hmmm... hard to say... but anyhow..
  • Shep Smith... same thing as above...

+ anyone who laughs about things that are FAR from funny... that dumb-looking chick on one of those lib news shows no one watches... when talking about the Planned Barrenhead debacle...

I only "watched" it b/c I was in a public place and there was no FOX

waaahhhhhhhhhhhh! :(


Most annoying news anchors Reply to Thread:

Those who post continuous political Threads at TOL.


New member
Chris Matthews may be wising up some

i like what he did w/ Wasserman-Schultz, head of DNC who can't even define her own party

but then, what do we expect from libs, whose minds have been taken over by the Evil One?



New member
not an anchor but

Julie Roginsky...

b/c she is a lib...

liberalism is stupid

which, yeah... i know... That's like saying the pope is Catholic

water is wet


The Barbarian

I have a solution that works for me.

Stop watching TV news. There are plenty of ways to get news from a variety of sources with all ideological slants.

You don't need television. This summer, I put tile in the den, and two weeks later, I still haven't reconnected the cable. My children call the tube television in my den, "the TV that will not die." Don't use it enough to wear it out. The last TV I had was a piece of furniture, to give you some idea.


New member
I have a solution that works for me.

Stop watching TV news. There are plenty of ways to get news from a variety of sources with all ideological slants.

You don't need television. This summer, I put tile in the den, and two weeks later, I still haven't hooked up the cable. My children call the tube television in my den, "the TV that will not die." Don't use it enough to wear it out. The last TV I had was a piece of furniture, to give you some idea.

i have a solution for that works for me

don't tell others what to do..

do ya think?
