Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
FBI Informant Testifies: Moscow Routed Millions To Clinton Foundation In "Russian Uranium Dominance Strategy"

Undercover FBI informant William Campbell has given written testimony to Congressional investigators after an "iron clad" gag order was lifted in October

Campbell was a highly valued CIA and FBI asset deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry while Robert Mueller was the Director of the FBI

Campbell was required by the Russians, under threat, to launder large sums of money - which allowed the FBI to uncover a massive Russian "nuclear money laundering apparatus"

He collected over 5,000 documents and briefs over a six year period, some of which detail efforts by Moscow to route money to the Clinton Foundation

Campbell claims to have video evidence of bribe money related to the Uranium One deal being stuffed into suitcases.

The Obama FBI knew about the bribery scheme, yet the administration still approved the Uranium One deal.

To thank him for his service, Campbell was paid $51,000 by FBI officials at a 2016 celebration dinner in Chrystal City

When it emerged that Campbell had evidence against the Clinton Foundation, a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff (of FISA warrant application fame) slammed Campbell as a "disaster" potential witness

An undercover FBI informant embedded in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an "illegal NDA" by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has finally given his testimony to three Congressional committees.

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This alone is going to send Hillary to the slammer:

He collected over 5,000 documents and briefs over a six year period, some of which detail efforts by Moscow to route money to the Clinton Foundation.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Still, one tinfoil hat doesn't amount to a case, does it? When do you suppose someone will take those guys seriously enough to actually do something?

One calling it a "tinfoil hat" does not change the facts of what happened.

And things like this will continue to happen as long as the criminals know that there will be people like you around every corner of will defend their dastardly deeds!

People like you are essential to their plans!

patrick jane

One calling it a "tinfoil hat" does not change the facts of what happened.

And things like this will continue to happen as long as the criminals know that there will be people like you around every corner of will defend their dastardly deeds!

People like you are essential to their plans!
Yep the liberal dems rely on uninformed voters that have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by mainstream scripted media. They don't care when their heroes interfere with elections, make deals to give Russia our uranium, bribes, sex abuse, obstruction, collusion and many other felonies. It's no problem for them.


Yep the liberal dems rely on uninformed voters that have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by mainstream scripted media e.g Twitter. They don't care when their heroes interfere with elections, make deals to give Russia our uranium, bribes, sex abuse, obstruction, collusion and many other felonies. It's no problem for them.

Really? Trumpers rely on mis-informed voters that have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by mainstream scripted media. They don't care when their heroes interfere with elections, make deals to give Russia our uranium, bribes, sex abuse, obstruction, collusion and many other felonies. It's no problem for them.


At least the hair raising event has exposed the deception and cover up of Trump's bonce.

Just shows that planting thatch is a fraud.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Good. Stop doing it.

The difference is the fact that there has been absolutely no evidence that Trump committed any crime while the same cannot be said about Hillary and her minions at the FBI!

Do you think that Russia just donated millions and millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation just out of the kindness of their heart?


The difference is the fact that there has been absolutely no evidence that Trump committed any crime while the same cannot be said about Hillary and her minions at the FBI!

Do you think that Russia just donated millions and millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation just out of the kindness of their heart?

1. Why then did the Ruskys interfere to help Trump?

2. Maybe Donald was not to himself to blame. But there is enough stink in the Trump camp that Trump should have been aware of. After all Mueller has charged 4 Trumpers already.

3. The issues is NOT Trump vs Hillary ( I wish some real facts came up on that). The issue is that Trump is a loser, not just bankrupt 6 times over, but making America a world loser.

4. Why then did the Ruskys interfere to help Trump?