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This is the show from Tuesday April 1st, 2008.

There are victims that you could multiply by the millions that are going to their graves - basically unmarked graves, completely forgotten children - the victims of a total abandonment by National Right To LIfe and all their affilliate groups that are agreeing with that strategy that, "We don't want to come across as unreasonable so we're not going to talk about these kids that are killed with chemical abortions."


* Focus on the Strategy III: Steve Curtis, president of American RTL Action and, announces that Bob Enyart will present the latest sequel in the groundbreaking series. To see Focus of the Strategy III, please attend Steve's 4th Annual Founders Dinner, Saturday April 26 at 6:15 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel Denver-North at 8773 Yates Drive. The $55-a-plate dinner will further the life-saving work of LifeCommercials and also entertain you as you enjoy the comedians' comedian, Daren Streblow! Register online at or call 303 697-7825!

Post-show Note: CRTL's Friday night Personhood fundraising dinner is SOLD OUT! Wow! Praise God that over 100 people have registered to join Bob in welcoming Judie Brown to Colorado at the evening $100-a-plate fundraiser on April 4! If you'd like to help get signatures, or donate directly to the non-deductible Colorado RTL Issue Committee to help get Personhood on the ballot in November, you can call Donna at 303 753-9394! Our deadline for 76,000 signatures is May 13th! We're at 46,500 and going strong! We need your help! Please, help! (BTW, there are still tickets available for the Colorado Springs dinner with Judie Brown on Saturday night, so if you'd like to join Bob down there, please register with Donna at CRTL and we can even car pool if you live in the Denver area and drive down together!)

* Please See the 60-Second Video: The Next Big Lie by, the most dramatic and disturbing pro-life TV commercial ever produced, at, to see the victims of early chemical abortion abandoned by the immoral strategy of National RTL, which refuses to fight to save the lives of the littlest children.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!


TOL Princess
Thank you Jefferson - this is such vital information. We all need to read it - thanks for sharing it!
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