More sports should try how soccer keeps time


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Right now there are 2 soccer tournaments going on. The European Championship and the Copa America. Soccer is not a sport I paid much attention to until a couple World Cups ago. It's been growing on me through these years and now I watch a decent amount of the BPL and try to see as much as I can of the major national tournaments. Beyond starting to enjoy the actual sport more, I really enjoy how they keep time. Watching a soccer game is great. 45 minutes, halftime, 45 minutes. You have a good idea of how long a game will take, barring extra time. No commercial breaks. No timeouts. It's lovely.

Of course, other sports may not be quite as conducive to it as soccer. One example is substitutions, which are much more frequent in other sports. However, hockey already has substitutions without any stoppage of time. Basketball could try something similar. Soccer also doesn't have something quite like free throws. That would kill a lot of time during games. But right now basketball can be painful to watch at the end of games because there is so much fouling to stop the clock. If the clock continued to run then it removes that incentive. Football already does keep the clock running between some plays and they could increase that even more.

I don't know how feasible it would be but the way soccer does time makes it very enjoyable to watch games and I'd be interested to see how other sports (mostly basketball and football) could incorporate a similar system.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The borderless world and pushing of the worlds likes, such as soccer, does not work on me. I am an American, and soccer sucks. This in no way reflects on the time keeping points.